Tuesday, June 10, 2008


15.41 East Derby.

No A.T.W.A related work going on at the moment - it's way too hot outside - and between my hypoglycimia ( low blood sugar ) and my Minere's Disease - it's best I relax and reflect for a couple of days or so...

Since Memorial Day - I've been at the defense plant every day - working 10 to 14 hours a day - outdoors - on a project I'm not at liberty to discuss. The heat kills me. I am so glad that this will be the last summer I am on this current assignment - since dynamic testing turned out not to be for me - too much pressure, responsibility - for too little pay - not too mention an ultra flexible schedule - which most of the time worked against me... Believe me, being "on call" is no joke...

I'm at the Fire Sta. right now. When my computer at home does not allow me to do certain thing's - I come here - usually really late at night - and "make it happen" when no one else is around to see what it is exactly I am up to... But it's late afternoon - and I really got to get this message out for all to see who read this particular site here on BlogSpot. Lucky for me - I'm alone and able to pull it off right now - so...

Ok - Here's the deal:

Unfortunately I can no longer update this site from home - so after today - I will be no longer updating this site "earthbound-atwa" but I will keep it active - along with the word press site "earthboundatwa" - in the sense that I will not be taking it down or off-line...

I refuse to have to upgrade an operating system which I am comfortable with - even if it is real primative. I really like how most advertisments won't run on it ( as opposed to this machine I'm using right now ). Because BlogSpot decided to recently upgrade - they have now lost me as a member - because I'm not playing their little 'upgrade' game...

There's a couple of other additional reason's I'm letting this site lapse - I guess the real one is because of why I set it up in the first place - which was "as a means to post A.T.W.A related messages on a site using the same forum as say Col. Scott, JimNY, and A.C. while being able to express my own personal views and observations on similar matters regarding Charles et al...

But now I realize that both this and the similar site I ran on WordPress "earthboundatwa" - which was slightly more political in nature - really distracted from my original ecological site - which I want to make mention of right here: http://george_waters.livejournal.com/

Effective today, this LJ site mentioned above will RETURN to being my ecological site - as well as where I really discuss whatever is on my mind...

If one really wants to know me - it's all there on LJ for you to read - uncensored - and as real as it gets. My LJ profile is over 12 pages long - if you were to print it out - better to just 'save' it and make a tree happy - plus not too mention it get's updated on a fairly regular basis as well...

As for this BlogSpot site - well, the last real entry posted here "...and the beat goes on!!" really sums it all up. I advise anyone who is stumbling upon this blog to read it - then you can decide if you should dive even further into what this particular site had to offer - since it's all still very very relevant today...

I almost did not want to post a new entry as my "goodbye" after reading "...and the beat goes on!!" - but then I felt it would not be fair to folks like A.C. who visited this site on a regular basis - they need to know where I'm at now - and more importantly: why...

A.C. is one of the few genuine people left in this world: A good woman who has a good family, someone I am proud to be able to call a real friend in this chaotic often uncertain world...

I admire her very much - along with a gent who goes by the name Frank M. here on Blogspot - who REALLY has it together - and is not afraid to speak his mind - which he always does in a very civil and respectful manner...

Well, it's time to do the Scott AirPack inspections and see if the big red engine needs fuel...

For those who liked visiting here - I apologize for moving operations back to LJ - but I really had no other choice - since I could no longer update this site from home.

I sincerely hope that you will choose to continue to follow my jihad in the name of A.T.W.A on my LJ site - as my message is strong and deserves to be heard...

...and that message is: Love, Truth, and Respect... All The Way Alive !!

- Earth...
"Air Trees Water Animals"
"All The Way Alive"


Monday, May 26, 2008

...And The Beat Goes On !!

12.25 East Derby.

Lot's to discuss - so I'll first start of with the big news:

After yesterdays event's - I decided that I needed to completely seperate myself from any A.T.W.A related orginazation - since I am fundalmentally on a different plane when it comes to Defending our Ecology. Some were starting to feel I was too radical in my views - so rather than cause friction - I felt it would be easier to dis-associate myself with those folks - because - believe me when I say this - I don't want them coming down on me !!

ATWA is Air Trees Water Animals - All The Way Alive. ATWA is spiritual - it is a movement/religion as opposed to an actual group or orginazation. This is per Charles - who a while back ordered that the original ATWA site be taken down. My understanding is this still holds true today - yet today there are more ATWA sites than ever. Sure - some have been taken over by a chap who goes by St. Cyane W. - other's are run by "those in the know" so to speak - some try to start legit non-profit orginazations in the name of ATWA - and are either shot down or told not to. Interesting how a group of such limited personal actually don't get along with one another. I did a posting on the Yahoo! Defender's of ATWA Group relating just that - how there needs to be unity and tollerance in the ATWA community for it to work - otherwise it will fail.

So I left, tail between my leg's - but I left none the less - and I feel better after doing so. I know the Truth and the Truth is ATWA. While I don't always agree with what's being put out there - especially when "the powers that be" are putting down Tex, Susan, etc... Yesh !! The "soldiers" always take the brunt of the abuse - I wonder if these folks know that Charles has forgiven Tex and Susan and said that "they were good soldiers who were only following orders" ??

But anyhow - I wished to leave because I did not want any kind of conflict starting - it's better if I work alone - or just with people I know as opposed to people I don't...

Yesh !! I'm back supporting the Housatonic Valley Association and also the Conn Wildlife Rehab Assoc - who I need to contact once again to find out about training... if anyone should be trained - it should be me since I am out and about so often now.

Backtracking to Thursday: Got in a river clean-up event strictly around O'Sullivan's Island. From what I remember the current was really flowing from the dam upstream and I had a tough time making it back. I kinda flipped out on one fool who was giving me a real dirty look while I was pulling fishing line out from a tree. Man, there is no excuse for stupidity in my book at all...

One woman asked me about beavers - since she saw evidence of where trees have been chewed up. I told her that "...ever since someone destroyed where they lived - they are gone" which she could not comprehend for some reason. She asked where did they live and I gave a very vague answer - I now keep my animal pals hiding places secret. Another woman caught me talking to myself while ripping out more fishing line - I felt bad for her - she seemed nice and had a nice little white dog.

Backtracking to Saturday: Got in a major river clean-up event covering O'Sullivan's Island, the Naugatuck River 3/4 of the way up towards Division St (Both sides !!), and the Housatonic River down to Two Mile Island... Man was I tired after that one - but once I got to the boat launch towards dusk - I saw the dam was not flowing so I took out most of the trash I retrieved and put my running lights on and headed to the dam. I felt good heading home - the entire area looked good - thanks to my efforts. I'll always wish that the Defender's of ATWA folks could have seen what I am up against when I go out on my missions in the name of ATWA...

One thing I want to add about this particular trip was that 2 women - one of who I previously knew from the defense plant - spoke with me and seem interested FOR REAL in helping the cause. This is a good thing. The girl I knew looked exactly like Linda E. did except Linda's hair was lighter in color. I wonder if she goes barefoot like Linda does / did ?? Anyhow - I did invite them both for a canoe trip - I should have invited their German Shephard - hell, there's always room for an animal on board too !!

Backtracking to Sunday: The day started out real good till I checked my emails - then it went downhill from there. Walkenhawk launched an un-necessary attack on me - since he is treated with reverence - I knew it was something not worth involving myself with... but I did. I composed a long explanation as to why I feel the way I do - then while out on the river I flashed on something: I'm putting in real physical work in the name of ATWA - what the fuck is he doing ?? I appologize to no-one when it comes to my work if I feel what I am doing is right. I felt like a fool knowing that I just tried kissing up to Walkenhawk - I mean he's entitled to his views too - I'll even back his views - but it doesn't mean I have to abide by them. I decided I had a choice: I could leave - so, once I got home - I did my final communication to the Defenders Group - and that was that...

Sundays river trip saw me use my 140 Dirigo Angler Kayak - the other two trips were with my Osprey 155 Rowing canoe. What a beautiful trip too - saw lots of river birds, duck and goose families, life was perfect.... If you go here: http://george_waters.livejournal.com/ and visit part XI of my profile - you'll get a little more insight about this particular wildlife mission...

Today is Memorial Day. I will visit my parents then return home to do some yard work, household chores, then maybe chill out and have some wine. Because of work - I do not know when I will be out on the river next - probably not for at least a week - possibly two...

But return I will - in the name of ATWA - just knowing that I am all alone in my work - and that I have to really watch who I align myself with from here on in...

At some pointin time - I will be returning to the shop floor at my job - on 2nd shift - which will be perfect. Fixed days / hours... I'll be able to make significant plans into the future - something I have not been able to do in quite some time...

I know there's more - perhaps if I can remember anything else I can recollect - I'll add it here at some point in time...

Peace In Christ,
- Earth...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Susan Atkins - also HVA update...

13.31 East Derby.

It brought me great sadness to find out yesterday that Susan Atkins is deathly ill with cancer - which cannot be cured. I've always liked Susan and although she's had a rough past - the last 30 years of her life cannot be denied either - once she figured out right from wrong...

I cannot possibly put into words how I feel about Susan - I'm rather broken up about this matter - and pray that her final days will find her resting comfortably and hopefully in not too much pain. She's a good strong woman - and I don't give a damn what anybody else thinks.

No A.T.W.A related missions this week - my job has taken a turn for the worse - I'm spending my free time relaxing as much as possible before the shit hit's the fan - which could be any day now - although my guess is that it will be this weekend - or next week for sure...

I feel sad when I am away from the river. But today, I need to take care of several pressing matter's first. If I am off tomorrow - I'll be out on the water all day long. If I am off the day after - same thing... the river will be calling my name out loud - as it is right now.

Perhaps I'll have time to swing by for a quick scan - just to make sure all is well by O'Sullivan's Island.

Well, as luck would have it - I got a personal letter from Lynn Werner - the Lynn in "JeniferLynn" - asking me for my support for some local project she is trying to launch. Because she personally wrote comments to me - kind words actually - I decided that yes I would take part in this... Maybe some day we'll get to meet over a candlelight dinner and we can iron out our differences - because I am still very much against some thing's which they want to do - right in my own front yard so to speak.

Today: Run all necessary errands, pay bills, etc...
Later today: SCBA insp, maybe stop by the job ??

Tonight: Relax...

Tomorrow: ?? Good Question !!

Please Pray for Susan.
- Earth...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Housatonic River Dispatch / also Susan Atkins Reprise...

13.59 East Derby

Today is going much different than expected. My job at the defense plant is sorta on hold - no, not because of what you might be thinking - I did not get fired - actually, the giant machine I run had a mechanical failure during the dayshift tour of duty earlier this week. So we are on hold for the time being. I'll be returning tomorrow - but I'm not sure if I'll stay all day...

Original plan was to ride the bike to work - but do to an odd night of sleeping - where I woke up around 05.30 with Linda E. on my mind - I finally fell back to sleep and woke up at 11.00 or so...

Backtracking to yesterday: a perfect trip down the mighty Housatonic River from Derby to the Merrit Parkway bridge and back. Perfect in every way. Was disturbed at the amount of oil in the marshes by Sikorsky AC - I'll have to do some research on that if possible... Saw the usual amount of Osprey and Snowy Egrets and other silly river birds - the general feeling was of happiness: It's finally getting warmer out and all the wildlife is happy. I saw a black and white duck who was still I believe learning how to fly - also numerious baby ducks with their parents and baby geese again with their parents. People could sure learn something from the animal community...

I really should take out the canoe today - but I could use some downtime... I'll have to see how the day goes today.

One thing I want to make mention of in regards to a post I did recently called "Pray for Susan Atkins" is that she was also a mother and to find out that she is spending Mother's Day in a state of illness is sad. The fact that she has been incarcerated for so long is also beyond measure. She did what she was programed to do. Plain and simple. I've been reading some of Tex's book where he answer's 200 questions about himself - it's a very good read. Tex for starter's want's to be refered to as Charles, which is his real name. But for sake of not confusing any reader's here - I'll call him Tex...

Tex went on to say how he accepts full responsibility for what went down - although he does mention that if there was no Charles Manson, there would have been no murder's. I can see that for what it's worth but anyhow - I gained great insight as to how Tex is these days and again, if anyone can be said of, you know - trying to right themselves - definately Tex, Susan, Leslie... Bobby, Patricia - you know - one person I know little about is Bruce...

I just lost my train of thought here - so I'll let it go at that. In closing I will say that I wish Susan could get a taste of freedom before she pass'es.

It's interesting... all those today who support Charles Manson have no use for Tex, Susan, Patricia, Leslie, etc... YET when asked about St Cyane W. who has a couple of the more interesting and wilder ATWA websites up and running - this individual is put down too.

One thing I'll say about St. Cyane W. is that this person at least has the guts to tell it like it is - and - right, wrong, or indifferent - you can't ever take that away... there's a total of 3 very different site's I've found which bear the name of St. Cyane W. and I think it's time I send this person an email or two - because I like what I'm seeing - as far as the train of thought is concerned...

One might be inclined to ask where I stand on this. Well, I believe in redemption and forgivness if there really is remorse and feeling's in the person's heart. Simple as that.

Today: take care of loose ends, maybe do some work to the Jeep, take the van out on a fuel run perhaps later on... I'm going to take it easy today. ATWA related work to return once I figure out what's going on with my job scheduale wise - which I should know by tomorrow or Friday at the latest.

I'll be back here soon - God Willing...
- Earth

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

O'Sullivan's Island dispatch...

12.56 East Derby.

Went out late in the day yesterday to do my usual river clean up work in the name of A.T.W.A with the Osprey 155 Row "JeniferLynn" and once again had a productive mission once again. It's interesting how once I decided to sever my ties with the Housatonic Valley Assoc that they completly refuse to acknowledge my praise for the article which they did on me. I mean, come on !! But seriously - I guess since they figure that they won't see my $$$ anymore - than I am worthless to them - so be it.

Saw 2 beautiful Snowy Egrets last evening, also quite a few ducks and other sign's of river life. The tide was super high too - making it possible to go down streams I never even knew existed. I thought about staying out past 21.00 hrs but decided to head back home since the launch area was deserted. While leaving - a freight train was passing by. I stopped and got out of my jeep right by a very low trestle and watched it go by. I've always liked trains... I guess they attract a certain type of person as well.

The Raliegh M-50 23 speed Mountain Bike is officially on the road now. The Light's work real well - better than I could have ever hoped for... I will ride it a little bit each day just to get used to it - then I will start using it as much as possible...

Today: Take out the Dirigo 140 for a trip down the Mighty Housatonic and check out the river life along the way... should be a good trip today. I'll make a brief post about it here either tonight or tomorrow...

Weds thru Sat: Back to the defense plant...
Sunday: Visit my folks then take the canoe out later in the day.

Monday: OFF TO BROOKLYN !! Can't wait to see Beth, MaryAnn, and of course Dr. Freed...

Tuesday: Yet another kayaking trip

Weds thru Sat: Back once again at the defense plant...

Life is Beautiful.
- Earth...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Please Pray For Susan Atkins !!

13.02 East Derby.
Normally I reserve this site for my work in the name of A.T.W.A but I recieved some info regarding Susan Atkins - that she is terminally ill - and what's interesting is that this info came from a person who I believe knew her from the ranch - and does not like her at all.

Susan was my favorite girl for a long time until I got into A.T.W.A then Sandy was my personal hero, along with Lynnette - actually - I love and respect them both equally. But back to Susan... I know for a fact that I am definately in the minority of Charles supporters - in that I ALSO support the other's like Susan, Tex, Bobby, Leslie, Patricia, Bruce, Mary, and Steve, among other's...

Why do I support Susan and urge folks to pray for her ??

Because redemption is real. Susan IS a changed person - for better or worse - depending on how you want to look at it - but in all honsety - she accepts what she did and does not ask for he past to be erased... although she personally has seperated herself from the past - as a re-born Christian human being.

Remember the two cats who were crucified along with J.C. ?? Well, they weren't exactly good people either - yet their faith bought them eternal life in heaven.

No one is innocent. We all make mistakes - some worse than others - but none of us are free from sin. Susan does not deny what she did. She has completely changed her life and now that she is apparently very very ill - the least I feel I can do is pray for her. I hope you dear reader find it in your heart to do so as well...

To anyone who's a mother out there... a Blessed and Happy Mother's day to you - Enjoy !!

Peace In Christ,

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Musing's / Housatonic River / O'Sullivan's Island Update...

11.08 East Derby.

Musing's is a word I got from Sunshine Sparrow/Daydream...

Backtracking to last night.

I was going to call this post "earth is dead" but I decided not to after thinking about it for a while...

But there is something to this: I will only from now on post Blog messages to "CULL THE HERD" since Vlad is a friend of mine...

Here's the problem: I originally set this site up ONLY because I needed a Blogspot profile to join up with Col. Scott et al... and after requesting membership to his exclusive blog for scholars interested in the Tate-LaBianca Murders - I soon realized that I was not going to be let in. ON TRIAL proved to be much better - but to make a long story short - I soon became too wrapped up with using that site as a springboard for my own views - so, either yesterday or the day before - I deleated over 50 sites from this machine... there's simply no point being involved anymore since nobody really cares anyway...

Going back to Monday: Took out "Victory" which is my summer kayak - it's an Old Town Dirigo Angler 140 - which goes like no tomorrow - very manuverable and quick - kinda like riding a bike - you need good balance with this particular kayak - but boy, what a joy to paddle after spending the entire winter in my Old Town Predator K-140 - which is a terrific boat too - don't get me wrong - it's super stable and very comfortable - it's just a "slug-a-bug" and one boat you don't want to have to paddle against a strong current.

So anyhow - Monday yeilded an excellent trip down the mighty Housatonic River towards the Merrit Parkway Bridge - with a good stop at the marshes by Sikorkay AC where I watched to Osprey dive bomb into the water trying to catch fish. What a violent display - they just dive kamakazi style and splash !! I'm surprised they don't get hurt doing this... but that's what they do I guess.

Saw a couple of Snowy Egrets - no Great Heron's yet...

Tuesday: Went out for yet another river clean-up mission - and once again really filled up the canoe - on Sunday I got a car battery - this day I got a tire !! It's now time to focus on the bigger stuff when I can... I saw a deceased Snapping Turtle - which was a sad sight. I tried to see if he was caught or injured - but it seems he passed away due to natural causes - unfortunately, everything living thing's does eventually die...

Got an email informing me that Thule is to volunteer their efforts to clean up the banks of the Naugatuck River - God Bless them and God HELP Them !! That's almost a lost cause due to all the trash the Derby Ave house's STILL dump down the embankments.

Of course, yesterday I forgot to take my allergy medicine - and I'm really paying for it today. Good thing I go back to work - maybe there will be some info regarding the job I put in for...

The M-50 cruiser is all systems go - less light's - which I will do as soon as I can. Can't wait to start using peddal power instead of BIG OIL... you know, the incredible thing is it's common knowledge that these high prices are just to increase the profit margines of the Oil Companies - and yet there is no outrage. Man, if only this was 1968...

Today thru Saturday: work at the defense plant.
Sunday: Mother's Day.
Mon / Tues: A.T.W.A related business.

Anarchy, Peace, and Freedom
- Earth...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

O'Sullivan's Island / Bicycle update...

22.42 East Derby.

Today wound up being much more productive than expected - I got the M-50 up and running properly once I took the rapid fire shifter's apart and cleaned everything up - bike is now shifting very well, went through all 7 speeds in the 2nd de-railer - which should be more than adaquate for what I will be doing - commuting, errands, biking on trails... so life is good since there is now no need to have the bike tuned up since I was able to handle it today. Still need to clean it up though and install the headlight's, etc - perhaps tomorrow...

So, I did make it out with the JeniferLynn Osprey 155 Rowing Canoe by about 18.00hrs and worked the lagoon area of O'Sullivan's Island before heading down towards Two Mile Island. As always - a very productive mission. Saw a huge Osprey, a Snowy Egret, and loads of ducks - including the diving kind who are black...

Retrieved a car battery and the usual assortment of trash / litter.
Met a fellow paddler - who's name is also George - he's a good guy - care's about the ecology - and is very knowledgeable about it as well.

Tomorrow: Take out Victory - the Dirigo 140 Angler kayak - towards Sikorsky AC - try to get out as early as possible.

Tomorrow night: finish up the M-50 23 speed U.S. Raleigh mountain bike. For a 1995 model - it's in mint condition.

Tuesday: uncretain as of yet - maybe take out Canoe for another clean-up effort - probably a good idea to do so since high tide will be early in the afternoon - timing will be good...

Time to watch a movie - I think I'll see Gimmie Shelter with the commentary on this time around...

All The Way Alive,
- Earth...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mission Accomplished... also: O'Sullivan's Island and ON TRIAL update.

11.44 East Derby.

Backtracking to yesterday: eventually made it over to Rad Rob's skateboard and bike shop - got my light's (best set they had) and a helmet - a white pro-tec !! It's a skater's helmet - which is fine by me... especially since I am thinking about putting my old DogTown board (wes's big foot model) back together. Later in the evening, I inflated the tires on my bike (U.S. Made Raleigh 21 speed mountain bike) and took it for a ride. To get the courage up, I had 3 huge goblets of Fortissimo Red Jug Wine. What a sight to behold - an ape riding a bicycle for the first time since 1995... none the less - Mission Accomplished. I will soon be commuting to work via bicycle. Fuck Big Oil.

I actually did make it down to O'Sullivan's Island for a bit. I walked over to the lagoon to see if my little lost loon pal was there - and he wasn't. But the amount of litter in the lagoon area was heartbreaking... I felt bad that I was not going to make it there last evening - since I had way too much going on right here at home between yard work and getting my bike set up. Once I have my new job - I can go out 7 days a week for at least a couple of hours at a time...This will be crucial to the success of my river watch program - which is still a solo venture...

I got an email fom a concerned individual regarding JimNY who run's the ON TRIAL blog which is kinda based on this man's desire to see Leslie Van Houten be released from prison - which is in my opinion a very noble idea... Now, when thinking about the big picture - when it comes to the man most likely to climb up the water tower with an AK-47 or a high power rifle - JimNY gets my vote. I'm not saying that this is a good or bad thing - it's more just a statement...

For the most part, I really like ON TRIAL quite a bit... it's a good read - and best of all ?? He allows anyone to post comments - except for a gent named Frank M... who happens to be someone I have a deep respect and appreciation for. How do I know Frank M. is not allowed to post his comments?? Because JimNY says so if you read his past posts...

One thing I am very good at is tracking information down. If patient and persistant enough - I can find out pretty much anything I want on line... so, although I initially felt that JimNY was the Messiah, now I am starting to wonder. One thing I will give JimNY is that he is very very passionate of his work for Leslies release - and this is good - but sometimes it can lead to unintentional harm - which I fear this latest bid to get Debra Tate off Leslies case may have done. But fuck it man - I still like the idea very much which JimNY has presented...

The Col's official blog - for scholars only - is another topic worthy of discussion: I feel the Col should be doing stand up comedy instead of trying to be a film producer (Google strikes again...) and in retrospect - it's probably real good he did not let me become a team member since I would have something to say about everything he posts...

Today: back to the defense plant
Tonight: Malarchies Pub

Thurs thru Sat: defense plant

Sunday: relax then go out with the Defender's of ATWA rowing canoe and clean up the water's around O'Sullivan's Island.

Mon and Tues: ATWA related work each day: Mon will be wildlife related, Tues will be river cleau-up related...

I should be back here by Tues or Weds next week.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

On Trial: You're guilty until proven innocent...

12.10 East Derby.
Today - actually the last day or two have been a bit different than originally planned. Bad weather is keeping me out of the river for now but I really needed a day or two of downtime so I could get some new gear for my missions procured and put into service.

Backtracking to yesterday: Took a drive to LLBean and got a spray cover for the Dirigo 140 kayak which I will start using for touring and during wet weather. Got some other stuff too including a wide brimmed strw hat which I will wear when I am cooked... Picked up a backpack - man, that took like an hour to decide - because my requirments were for a pack that can be used in the rain and is mounted off my back ( as opposed to right up against my back ) for ventilation purposes since I will be soon biking to work. Got a new gear bag which I can mount on the Dirigo 140 right behind the seat. '

Then I cruised over to Barnes and Nobles Booksellers: Jackpot ! They had a new version of "Gimmie Shelter"... grabbed that along with a couple of other items including a St. Joesph Illustrated Bible. Have to admit - the Cathloics got it right on the money here...

I was looking for the 3 DVD set of Caligulia (I might have spelled that wrong) but found the single one at Best Buy... Lot's of milage put on my trusty jeep - thank goodness I don't make these trips all that often.

So today I am off to Rad Rob's to get a helmet (for biking among other thing's) along with headlights and tail lights (strobe?) for my 21 speed mountain bike which I am putting back into service since the cost of fuel is now getting absurd. How dare this governement allow this capitalist measure of price gouging and allowing the investors to drive up the cost of a barrel of oil. Oh, that's right!! Their pensions are all invested in Big Oil...

My original plan was to take the Defenders of ATWA rowing canoe out on yet another river clean-up mission - which I still may do - but for now I am planning on getting my bike back on the road - might even take it out for a recon mission along some paths I haven't been down in a little while now - we'll see...

While having breakfast today I decided to vist the Cols blog just to see if anything new that's stupid (lately everyhting there is) has been posted - and I was not let down. I went right away to the comments - and read all the hypocrasy there - had a good laugh or two - and wished I was allowed to comment BUT I AM NOT... So, I did the next best thing - I visited JimNY's site - read his latest entry than proceeded to read all the comments fired back at his post. Got to admit there's alot of passionate people out there. Ignorant too.

JimNY is right about one thing: IN THE END, THE APES WILL WIN.

So since I was feeling somewhat focused - I decided to throw my views out into cyberspace just to shake thing's up a bit. I like JimNY quite a bit. He is sincere and very civil with his manners which is quite an achievement in itself... because I certainly cannot say the same about many others out there - including myself.

But the name says it all: One really is "Guilty until proven Innocent" when society has made up their minds before even looking into the facts...

This afternoon: Run errands - get D ring's etc, ratcheting straps for the kayak(s), lighting system for the bicycle, check to see if Independent Co. still makes 169's for my Dog Town Big Foot and maybe check out wheels, etc... Also need a helmet.

Later this afternoon: work in garage assembling/mounting the bike and kayak/canoe equipment (new dolly) and put big strap around tree limb which is sagging from all the rain to lift it above the canoe which is mounted on my old C-10 truck.

Once this is accomplished; take bike out for a ride - bring binoculars and give the area a good scan which I patrol - then procure some jug wine and relax....

I'll update this site tomorrow around this time.

- Earth...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Earth Day: Osullivan's Island Dispatch

23.34 East Derby.

Backtracking to Earth Day: went out with the JeniferLynn rowing canoe and got quite a bit accomplished from the Derby Dam south to O'Sullivan's Island. I found my little loon friend up by the dam area - it was definately him - and he seemed very happy - which made me very happy as well. Lots of litter and hazards to wildlife removed. Saw a woman and her daughter - typical white trash - heading to walk over the freight train bridge. I think the daughter was barefoot. She had no problem littering. Mother said / did nothing. I thought about how cool it would be to see their family get slaughtered. This is typical: I get no thanks or recognition for what it is I do - therefore it's easy for bad thoughts to enter my mind. I did however get one person - a hobo strutting over the same bridg earlier - who was pleased with my efforts. His gig ?? Scrap metal...

Backtrackting to yesterday: Took out "Temperance" one last time for some final river clean-up work towards Two Mile Island. The good boat Temperance served me well this past winter - now with May closing in fast - it's time to get "Victory" out on the water which will be used for touring / long distance / recon type missions... The JeniferLynn will still be used for garbage work.

I then came home and had some Colt 45 and Old English 800 and Guinness Extra Stout. Do not try this at home - bad idea...

Today I spent much of the day pondering how thing's have come to be what they are now - as far as my professional work goes... I recieved in the mail the 2008 Current - which is the HVA publication. I was very surprised to recieve it - since I dropped out earlier this year from them - which in some ways I regret but in other's I do not... it's a long story.

My little loon friend was last seen back in his lagoon - with 2 ducks as well. Perhaps they are pals... I hope he makes it.

- Earth, All The Way Alive!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

EARTH DAY - Housatonic River Dispatch.

11.10 East Derby.

Today is Earth Day. I will be leaving here in less than 1 hour to do a major campaign on saving the enviroment by "...leading by example" which I will do with the "JeniferLynn" 3 person rowing canoe. I will be doing clean-up's and for anyone interested - tours. My first stop will be at the Water pollution plant to report a sewer pipe - which is discharging sewage in to the river...

Today I will be in the vicintiy of O'Sullivan's Island.

Backtracking to yesterday: An excellent trip down the mighty Housatonic River to Sikorsky AC and back to Derby. Spent quite some time in the marsh to the north of Sikorsky AC - even visited the crew at the whirl-stand (I am so glad that that job is now in my past) for a bit - the new guy Matt seems to enjoy his new position very much. As an outsider now - I enjoy mine even more. I have not left the Company - just this position...

There was hazy sunshine and much wind - which gave me the very worst windburn on my forehead I think I have ever experienced in my entire life. Must were a hat today. I saw many ducks and lots of the silly diving kind: the black diving duck. I love those silly creatures. I once again searched for my little loon friend - and did not find him. I am hopeful that he either relocated, or learned how to fly and joind up with his pals... Of course, the possibility does exist for this story not to have a happy ending - but until otherwise - I will believe he is ok.

Fish are starting to jump now. And as expected, the numbers of dead fish I am seeing are increasing. Damn those fishermen who are careless... don't they realize these are all living being's created by God ??


I'll be out from about 12.00 till maybe 18.00 at the latest, 16.00 is probably more realistic. I hate the mass'es of people who are now coming into the area in droves because they are not good people - no, in fact they are evil.

Tonight: Tony Wong's
Tomorrow: Relax - then maybe go hiking.
Thurs - Sun: Back at the defense plant...

Enjoy !
- Earth

Sunday, April 20, 2008

O'Sullivan's Island / Naugatuck River Dispatch...

22.38 East Derby.

Went out late today for only about a little over an hour but that was all I needed for what I got accomplished - which was rather startling for a change. For starter's - the area looked good - which caught me off gaurd since that dreaded slaughter called "Fishing Season" just started. I saw numerous dead fish floating in the lagoon area - what a great sport - huh ??? Then I noticed after a long search that my pal the little loon was nowhere to be found. I did see lots of adult black loons in the trees - but no little loon. Perhaps the little guy figured out how to fly ?? Maybe a Hawk got him ?? Maybe a fuckin human finished him off ?? There is no way to tell - all I know is he vanished without a trace. I then went up the Naugatuck River and noticed that it seemed cleaner than usual as well. Then again - it was low tide. When it's high tide - that's when all the shit comes in... speaking of shit - as I was near where the Franklin Apartments are - I noticed an aroma of sewage wafting through the air and found a drainage pipe dumping raw sewage right into the river. Yesh ! Pure Grade A shit - among other thing's... So who can I turn to ?? The Housatonic Valley Assoc told me I was out of luck the last time I turned in a factory for discharging something horrible into the river. Funny how they pick and choose their causes... which is why I ended up leaving them... they simply do not care about the river south of the Derby Shelton Dam. I know why too - lack of funds from this area. But that's ok - because I'm out as often as possible monitoring the river on my own in the name of A.T.W.A which for me is not only a religion - it's my way of life.

So I came home once it was dark - actually some of this mission took place in darkness - I love my night trips - and I had a couple of Guinness Extra Stouts as a reward and I listened to some Box of Crayons off their latest CD - the one with "Hot Mary" on it. I love them - they rule...

Monday: Kayak south to the Merrit Parkway bridge and back.
Earth Day: Canoe all day in the water's around O'Sullivan's Island.
Wednesday: Uncertain as of yet.

- Earth...
Air Trees Water Animals
All The Way Alive

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

O'Sullivan's Island Dispatch

22.36 East Derby

Today: Went out on foot to check the lagoon out towards dusk. It figures... the one day I don't show up with the kayak or canoe - the river is calm - dam was not discharging this evening. But that's ok, I was out for a walk anyway looking for my friend, the little loon... and I found him - calmly drifting along - looking very peaceful... I wonder how it is for him - growing up with no peers. I bought today a pair of binoculars and a tide watch so I got to try out the new binoc's - wow - they are incredible - even in low light - what a difference from the pair Gina gave me - which incidently are actually quite good themselves... I spoke with a couple of fishermen - the good guy's - and mentioned the loon to them. One told me that he is quite tame - and swims right up to within a few feet of the fly fishermen in the water. Poor thing !! I pray he make's it somehow...

Yesterday: Went on a real good trip with the K-140 kayak south to the Merrit Parkway bridge and really analyzed the entire area. Basically, from Two Mile Brook south to Sikorsky Aircraft - the entire river banks are for the most part nothing but plastic bottles and misc. trash, etc... It's too bad the HVA does not get involved with a massive clean-up effort - but I've given up on them doing anything down here... Once again, spent quite some time with the little loon - he was on a rocky little patch of land since the tide was out - I felt bad for him - he eventually made his way into the water - but not without great effort. The little guy really has a hard time getting around. I need to research loons in further depth to see how they are when young - if they can fly - etc...

I'm not happy that it's getting warm out. Two days ago I did a detailed cleanup of the entire area around O'Sullivan's Island - and tonight - there was litter in the waterways once again. W.T.F ?? I mean - come on - only two days later and the area looks like crap already... How Sad...

But there is a bright light on the horizon: I am looking to transfer out from my current job and go back to a 2nd shift position inside the shop - this will give me much more time to dedicate to saving the ecology - and also to the Fire Service... Tomorow will be an important day for me at "the job" since I have notified the proper people via email last week about my intentions - it will be a couple of interesting weeks ahead for me...

I should be going back out on Sunday.

For the Air Tree's Water Animals,
- Earth...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

O'Sullivan's Island Dispach

23.56 East Derby.
Went out yet again with the Defender's of ATWA canoe for another river clean-up operation... whcih actually went quite well. Saw my little loon buddy - he is too tame - still cannot fly - but he can dive and swim well. Unable to determine if he still has the hook and line in him still - he seems good today... I monitored him for a while which kinda pissed of the fishermen - but fuck them - they are lucky I do not carry an AK 47 on board with me...

I also saw a couple of beavers and a Canadian Goose - by itself - which I felt was unusual...

Once home, I knocked back a few Guinness "extra stouts" to kinda drown out my sorrows... all my animals were fed and taken care of - and I checked out what Sunshine Sparrow posted on the Defender's site. I sent a rather long reply - but it had to be done... tonight I will sleep well - tomorrow I will go out for a long trip - from O'Sullivan's Island south past the Merrit Parkway bridge - and back... Haven't done this trip in a while so I'm really looking forwards to it.

That's about it...

I should be back here either tomorrow night or Tuesday.

The bed is calling !!
- Earth...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

O'Sullivan's Island Dispatch...

12.38 East Derby.
Backtracking to yesterday: Took the kayak out on what was going to be a trip south to Sikorsky AC but instead concentrated in the immediate vicinity of O'Sullivan's Island - which proved to be very benificial. Went up the Naugatuck River towards Division Street - could not believe how severe the trash / rubbish issue has become along the river bank behind the houses ( mostly section 8 ) on Derby Ave... it's a disgrace how this is allowed to continue and the city does nothing about it except go after hard working folks trying to run business's out of their homes. I saw a woman with a wheel barrel dump a load of trash directly above me. Once she realized I saw her, the staring contest began. I have yet to lose when it comes to this because I never back down. She eventually retreaded.

I then found the little loon who is injured. He definately has a 5 inch piece of like 40# test sticking out of his belly area... Still unable to determine if it wraps around him as well - I do not believe it does. Therefore - the only conclusion is that he has been hooked. It does bother him - because I watched for quite sometime the little guy trying to free himself. I also for the first time seen him dive under water numerous times. He seems to be able to swim and dive well but does poorly on land and apparently cannot fly. I watch him flap his wing's numerous times - they do not appear to be caught on anything - I'll have to closely continue monitoring this little guy every chance I can... which I've been doing now for a month...

A legitimate question would be why don't I free him. If it were only that simple. I could easily catch him but risk further injury since I am not trained in this type of work. I hope to be soon through the C.W.R.A. but they don't really go out of their way to get back to me after I have expressed desire to join their orginazation.

It's definately getting warmer out. The trash in the river is increasing at an alarming pace. This is going to be a bad year. My main objective will be the wildlife. Litter will take a back seat except for debris which is hazzardous to birds / wildlife.

The Tara J. Sullivan folder's I found have been turned over to the Shelton Police.

For a different slant on this post - go to http:earthboundatwa.wordpress.com in about a day or so...


Monday, April 7, 2008

O'Sullivan's Island dispatch, misc news...

22.07 East Derby.
Made it out today for quite sometime doing my usual river clean-up work. Saw one of the beaver's swimming along nicely. I'm starting to really hate the fishermen. Actually, I'm starting to really hate most of the people I see. I only care about the animals now. They have no voice of their own so I will speak for them. And defend them as well. The JeniferLynn is taking some beating - at some point in time I will have to do some repairs to the hull.

Got a couple of reply's from A.C. and one from the human running the ON TRIAL blog. I can see how I'm leaning towards what the ON TRIAL blog is all about because this human keeps a very open mind which is a good thing. As for the "official blog", well the Col has proved to me just what a fool he really is... I'm glad I was never let in to the official blog - no ass kissing from this brotha !!

Going back out tomorrow with "Temperance"... if I get out early enough - this will be a very long trip - 12 miles or better !!

Looks like I'm off Wednesday as well - which is great. More A.T.W.A. related work - which is always a good thing - except that I feel it is taking a toll on me. I really am all alone in my quest to defend the Air Trees Water and Animals... I'm still getting zero help and very little support / encouragement. Those who I thought would help me have all turned their backs on me. I guess that's to be expected when one consider's who my people are - or perhaps I should say - who my mentor's are...

Big Yawn, so it's time for sleep. I should be back here tomorrow.

Rest In Peace,
- Earth...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Tara J. Sullivan

Because I was so enraged last time I posted here regarding the beaver home which I found destroyed - I never mentioned something which I came across which is equally disturbing: A cry for help in the form of many sheet's and little pieces of paper from a girl named Tara J. Sullivan. The very last item I retrieved out from the river last week was a water logged bag with 3 brown manila envelopes full of what I originally though was just drawing's but now that they have dried out - I realize that the content is much more erie and urgent... so I will try to track this person down and make sure she is ok.

A.C. has made a comment here - woo hoo !! - regarding my last entry - which is a good thing... Sometimes I wonder if anyone even reads these posting's of mine. I was reading just before the Col's Blog which is getting stupider by the day BUT he provided me with something of use: the link to ON TRIAL which is being run by a human who is very close with Leslie Van Houten - which that in itself is a beautiful thing, plus he's a Met's fan - I wonder if he is in the NY Metro area... perhaps maybe I am not alone out here in the North East part of this once proud country. His posting's are incredible, and diverse too - which is exactly what is needed.

Sunshine Sparrow is I think mad at me for some reason. She never shows any emotion in anything she writes directly to me - it's just straightforward and to the point - and it's never good - it's usually due to something I've said which she doesn't like me going public with. So, I don't know - I try so hard to do the right thing but it always comes out wrong...

I was at the Peoples Bank where Silveras works - she's the woman I tried to get to go out on one of my missions with me since she showed an interest in what it was I am doing in the name of A.T.W.A. and as expected - she never contacted me. I had an ulterior reason in mind - and it wasn't seeing her teetering in her pointy high heels trying to get into the canoe either - it was to show her what living fox'es look like since she was wearing one around her neck when I saw her around Christmas time last year. Well, when I saw her today - she looked different. Discheveled - maybe she either just got laid in the copier room or was on the verge of a nervous breakdown but she did flash a look at me which made me look away and keep my mouth shut. So much for that...

Tonight: maybe watch a movie - but bed is sounding like a better idea.

Tomorrow: Go Kayaking !!

Tuesday: River Clean-up with the canoe.

Wednesday: Uncertain if I am working or off... But either way, I'll be back here with an up-date by then...

Rest In Peace,
- Earth...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

O'Sullivan's Island Dispatch - urgent.

22.10 East Derby.
Went out today on two trips - each one lasting about 90 minute's - trip number one was towards the Derby Shelton Dam and provided some good insight as to what's going on up there. On the way back towards the boat launch - the current's beneath both the Bridge St. bridge and the railroad trestle were quite severe. I actually became rather worried at one point when caught in a whirl pool - for real !! Good thing I was in the Old Town Predator K-140 kayak - bacause that's very stable... man - I was really spun around at one point - completely out of control - so I decided to take the kayak out of the water once I got down to O'Sullivan's Island. My trip was cut short due to the rapid currents. So, I decided to do some land based work - which I did rather efficiently. To my horror and surprise - some scumbag's destroyed the beaver home - I mean wrecked it bad, I just hope the beaver's all were able to escape...

This is now War. Fuck these assholes - who are out to destroy everything - if I catch anyone fucking around - they had better start running - cause I'm coming after them. I mentioned both this and how a fisherman told me that if he see's the harbor seal - he will shoot it. If I find out he or someone else carrys through with this threat - there will be hell on earth. Remember dear reader's - I'm a follower of The Big C...

So, I finished up the land based work - then decided to head back out with the kayak since the current calmed down. Made it near Two Mile Island - thought I heard thunder - so I started to head back. A good productive river clean-up as well... between both trips - quite a bit of trash was retrieved. The land based effort proved rewarding as well as far as rubbish retrieved + seeing the recent destruction of the beaver colony - fuckin assholes better watch out cause I'll be now looking for these vandals...

I am getting more fed up each day with all the bullshit going on in this city. Want to know more ?? Go visit here: http://earthboundatwa.wordpress.com

All The Way Alive - Charlie IS love !!
- Earth...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

O'Sullivan's Island Dispatch

10.41 East Derby.

Backtracking to yesterday: Went out once again for some eco work in the name of A.T.W.A. and as usual had a very very productive event. I have made a very unusual alliance with a State Dept of Conservation Official - who takes his job very seriously. This most recent trip - the third one in three consecutive days - was strictly focusing on the river banks around O'Sulivan's Island - removing fishing line. I did not see the poor Loon who I saw the evening before who appeared to be in distress... perhaps it is ok... otherwise I pray it went easy... perhaps in it's sleep. It's always heart breaking because the wild-life do not realize that some of us are trying to help them. Perhaps it is better this way... because as a whole - people are very mean and cruel.

I was given an article yesterday which showed a picture of a Harbor Seal in the Twin Forks area of O'Sullivan's Island. In the article which accompanied it, there is mention of a pissed off fisherman - refering to this interesting animal as "that thing"... nice, huh ??Good thing I was not there... fisherman would have wound up in the bay as well...

Overall, I feel good about the work I am doing... but I also feel sad because it is still a complete solo venture. I still get no backing or support with the exception of the Adopt-a-Spot program and the City's Public Works Dept. All these so called enviro groups ?? They only cared about my donations. And what about the Defenders of A.T.W.A.?? Nothing but silence... so perhaps it's time I let them go as well.

On a side note: the main reason why I set up a site here on Blogspot was because I needed a profile here to become a team member of the Col's "Official" Blog - which obviously - I'm not welcomed there either. W.T.F.?? Is everyone that afraid of hearing the Truth ??

I should be back out fighting my one man war against those who pollute our earth and harm our wild-live on both Monday and Tuesday of next week.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Housatonic River dispatch

21.42 East Derby.
Took the Old Town Predator K-140 out for a 7.5 hour trip today down the mighty Housatonic... from Derby to Sikorsky AC and back. The trip itself was wonderful - it's always good to be out on the water but the amount of trash on the river banks south of Derby is biblical to say the least. Where is the HVA when it come's to this matter ?? Nowhere - because I used to try to clue them in to many problem area's I would find - which in turn would be kicked right back to me - nice huh ??

Trip was very un-eventfull until I was back at O'Sullivan's Island. I decided to make a pass inbetween the "twin forks" when I found what appears to be a sick or injured loon. I looked at the poor guy for quite some time - I am always suspicious when I can get right up close - and I realized that something was / is wrong with it's legs. Because the area was full of fly fishermen - and nightime was closing in - after some carefull monitoring - I determined that this poor creature could get around on it's own - but cannot fly - why I do not know. Is it maybe a baby loon ?? I do not know - but I will be back tomorow to pay the loon another visit... Interestingly enough, I also saw a beautiful duck who was also acting kind of strange - I was able again to get within 10 feet - which is normally impossible to do - same with the loon, that never happens - so I will have to further investigate. Where are the C.W.R.A. folks ?? Probably with the H.V.A. people... I need to find out what the fuck happened with my C.W.R.A. membership - because if anyone should be trained in wildlife rehab - it should be me...

I'll be back here tomorrow.
- Earth...

Monday, March 24, 2008

O'Sullivan's Island Dispatch

19.45 East Derby.
Got back early today - out only maybe 2.5 hours doing river clean-up strictly around O'Sullivan's Island and in the creek / pond area since it was high tide...

Enough time has gone by where I now know it was proper of me to resign from the H.V.A. folks - I actually sent them a couple of replies - to which there response is: NONE. So, at least I know where I stand once again...

Tonight I will call Jane. I think Jane is starting to like the idea of us spending time together - and I look so forwards to meeting Alyssa as well... we will have oodles of fun together - I can just feel it in the air. Today's trip was great. Got quite a bit of trash out of the river, way more than usual... and had to deal with the usual jerks - but they weren't too bad today... just stupid kids doing stupid thing's because they don't know the difference.

So, today I covered O'Sullivan's Island. Tomorrow I will cover south to - and possibly beyond the Merrrit Parkway Bridge. Wednesday - perhaps make it up to the Derby Shelton Dam... this way the entire area is complete.

For my 43rd birthday, Barefoot Debbie gave me a beautiful original poem called "The River in Spring. It completely sums up the way I feel and I find it most inspiring...

I should be bck up here on Wednesday evening.

All The Way Alive,
- Earth...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Goodbye HVA Today / O'Sullivan's Island Dispatch...

23.10 East Derby.
Well, it's official. I have resigned as a member of the Housatonic Valley Association due to very personal reasons including how they seem to have a very different adgenda than I was hoping they would when I first joined late last year. I guess I knew this already when I took Jenifer Gunther out for a tour of the area and I could sense that she really wasn't into it at all... The real upsetting thing was how this trip never got any mention on their website - due to I'm told because of too many thing's going on at once and not enough staff - which I could very easily accept - except that someone spent some time to make sure the annual golf tournement would be posted. Yeah - like that's gonna save animals and the enviroment - I don't think so - but Lynn has a business that she needs to run - and I must say that she does a good job at that. I was reviewing all the I.R.S / Tax info - and was most impressed.

So today I turned 43 and I spent a good portion of it doing land based work cleaning around and in the ponds of O'Sulivan's Island - which is always a good thing to do. The beavers will thank me I'm sure... speaking of the beavers - they are really going to town as far as taking down tree's go. I was told this past Sunday that they are doing so because they ( the beavers ) want to flood out the entire area to get rid of the worst invasive species of them all: Humans. Now how cool is that !! I love the beavers and applaud their effort if this is the intent.

Yesterday I kayaked down towards the evil defense factory in Stratford and checked thing's out - everything was quiet for the most part. Not too many sign's of life except for a Great Blue Heron, a couple of Hawks, maybe an Osprey, and a few buzzards and crows, loads of ducks... oh - and one of those silly black dicing ducks ( loon ) oh he was extra silly - he tried to fly off a former pier and went "plop" right into the river before being able to take off - the poor thing. He did not say anything to me.

The previous day ( Sunday ) I spent in the canoe cleaning inside the twin forks of O'Sullivan's Island while also fielding questions from passer-by... a very productive day indeed - felt real good that I am not the only one thinking as I am about the ecology butI am still the only one doing something about it...

That's about it for this week. Need to check up on A.C. and see what she is up too. I'll be back out doing my thing after Easter...

- Earth...

"Air Trees Water Animals"
"All The Way Alive"

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

O'Sullivan's Island Dispatch...

20.09 East Derby.
Ok - The times they are a changing - I've had 3 incidents back to back now while doing my ecological work on O'Sullivan's Island - with today's being the icing on the cake: I had 2 drunk "wigger's" fuck with me a little - they were really wasted on Bacardi Rum - to the point of being capable of doing something really stupid... My mistake was I crossed by them not once but twice. I was actually going back to do more work by the ponds when I suddenly got the idea that I had better turn around and leave. Of course - the 2 fools were heading right towards me - to where I was thinking about possibly taking some direct action on them. Luckly for me - I didn't have too... I bullshitted my way right through this situation safely and also without disrespecting either of them - so - a happy ending for all.

New News:
Rhonda - who is a woman from Middletown - may be going out with me on the water soon. She seems interested but is not yet committed - which is fine. I need to work on her a bit and also with a woman who goes by "Barefoot Debbie". Barefoot Debbie actually lives in Derby so she'll be easy - it's just a matter of our schedules sync'ing up.

Today: Did not go out on the river - current was not as swift as yesterday or Sunday - but opted instead to do some more land based work. Got quite a bit accomplished in the pond area's of O'Sulivan's Island. Cleaned up alot where the beaver's live. Yesh !! I found their home - and it is huge !! I hope nobody else comes across it... it's pretty neat - it has tunnels which connect one pond with a stream I go through when the tide is high. Must admit the beavers are very industrious and cleaver too. I will have to carefully monitor their area at least once a week from now on. Spoke with a fisherman who "get's it" - one of the very few... We spoke about how the Housatonic Valley Assoc. is actually doing more harm than good. He is also against any further development as far as fishing piers, etc... Saw some hippie photographer who I thought would be cool - he turne out to be stupid - so I gave him my "people are the problem" mantra. He is typical. Like's to report - but won't take direct action. I have no time for those who won't get involved...

Yesterday: Did land based work on the eastern fork of O'Sullivan's Island - as expected - retrieved quite a bit of trash. Spoke with a fisherman - one of the rare few who understands the big picture. He is a friend of the guy mentioned above. We spent time talking about all the problems which are occuring on O'Sullivan's Island with the trouble makers acting up - be it that they are on drug's or drunk or just out for trouble.

I sent an email to Ken Hughes detailing these past couple of days.

If you want a slightly different slant on this latest post - go to: http:earthboundatwa.wordpress.com

Be Safe - Be Aware - Be "All The Way Alive"...
- Earth...
"Air Trees Water Animals"

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Housatonic River / O'Sullivan's Island Dispatch...

22.43 East Derby.
Wow - a very productive 3 days... backtracking to Sunday: Took the "JeniferLynn" out on a river clean-up project which basically covered the Housatonic River from O'Sullivan's Island north to the Derby Shelton Dam. Trip was very productive... very productive - in the sense that this is the first time I've been able to make it there in quite some time since the Stevenson Dam was not discharging any water but seriously - retrieved quite a bit of litter and left the area satisfied. Looked at the Shelton Canal for quite sometime and still could not imagine high density housing in it's place... this is one fight I hope the HVA puts maximum effort into. I later spent quite sometime around where the Naugatuck flows into the Housatonic once I saw that my work for this particular mission was complete. The view was spectacular - I always love sunsets and the period of time afterwards before it becomes completely dark. When I returned to the boat launch I saw a very curious sight: A white 55 gal drum was floating down the river. These thing's always look erie at night. What was even spookier was the blue 55 gal drum used for rubbish at the boat launch full ablaze. Of course I was the only one there - which always adds an extra element of caution when something's not right. Lucky for me - there was a huge plank of wood which I put the fire out with - then doused it with ice cold river water from my bailing pail... As a side note - later that night we responded to a suspicious porch fire in a new development near the Hotchkiss Hose. Hmmmm... makes me wonder just what is really going on... On Monday, I took out "Temperance" for a long trip south towards Sikorsky AC and as luck would have it - I left later than desired but got as far as I could regardless due to the stron winds out of the south. I made it within a half to three quarters of a mile of Sikorsky BUT managed to do a fairly good clean up effort along the way - too and from if I may so add... Today - I walked around O'Sullivan's Island and retrieved quite a bit of litter without even trying... which made me rather sad. I saw a couple of beavers in different locations - I wonder how they are doing this winter... did not see any other sign's of life except for birds ( ducks, heron, sea gulls, sparrows, buzzards... ) and I made a special extra observation to make sure they were all intact - meaning no missing legs, etc...

I'm so happy that Morning Glory responded favorably to my friend request - she is someone I greatly admire... X ( aka Noel ) sent me a nice reply via the Defenders site inquiring about how I am... next time I will have real good news for her... which of course is good news for me - from me... nothing like keeping it real...

Sent Ken from the Adopt-a-Spot an update - he did not reply - which is very unusual for him... hope all is well on his end.

That's it for this week as far as my missions in the name of ATWA is concerned - I'll be back in action on Sunday - Please Stay Tuned !!

All The Way Alive,
- earth...
Air Trees Water Animals...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

...so where do we go from here ??

11.19 East Derby.
Ok - it's been a little while since my last post due to my day job taking over for a bit... So here's what's on my mind:

Firstly, this whole deal with the fish ladder on the Derby Shelton Dam... I can't believe what a mess this is causing. From what I gather - it appears that the current owners of the hydro plant were told back in 1965 that a fish ladder would be required as part of the deal. For starter's - I find it incredibly hard to believe that back then - when the rivers would be opaque orange or some other dreadful color from all the factory pollution - somebody was mandating a fish ladder. Now - keep in mind that I am a friend of the fish and consider those who fish for them criminals but there is something called evolution. Of course this could easily be turned into an argument justifing mankinds eco destruction of mother earth but we are supposed to know better. What will a $2,000,000 fish ladder accomplish ?? Good Question... especially since I do not know how they actually work. Will it make thing's even easier for the Eagles and other raptor type birds like Hawks and Ospreys to get a nice meal?? I'm told that quite a few fish perish while tring to make it up past the dam... which in turn become part of the food chain which in essance keeps the ecology somewhat balanced. My friends at the Housatonic Valley Association scare me at times. I'll let them know about suspect factory discharges into the river - and I'm told I'm on my own. Yet they make such a huge ordeal about so called "envasive species" which are taking over. Well, what about the biggest and most destructive envasive species of them all - PEOPLE ?? Well, since people give them donations, I guess people are ok in their eyes. I am enraged to see that O'Sullivan's Island will be further developed - especially when you consider it used to be the Valley Fire Chiefs Assoc Training Grounds. Ok... the fire school gets condemmned due to all the 55 gal drums filled with toxic waste which was burried below the ground after the flood from Hull Dye. Now they say that it's ok for public usage ?? W.T.F. I mean there is such a double standard here - and of course there is talk about bulldozing yet another area down to build a new fire school - well, what was wrong with the old one ?? Oh... it did not bring in enough tax dollars. So back to the dam issue... the owner now wants to fill in the Shelton canal so he can build high density condo's or some such bullshit so he can raise the funds for the fuckin fish ladder. The scary thing is this might actually pass because Shelton LOVES any kind of development because it bring's in more $$$. Jenifer Gunther composed a vry passonate plea which I stumbled upon on Google about how the HVA is against this filling in of the canal project and gives very legit reasons why. Very good Jen, I'm proud of you... but are you still going to push the issue of the fish ladder because with out one more invasive species like sea gulls and other fish eating beats will roam around the area ??? If we really want to save the fish - ban fishing.

My neighbors are now moving. Some bastard turned them in for running a landscaping business. Ok - I'll admitt - their place looked terrible - but they were still good people. Now they have to leave. So much for the Amerikan dream... I can't wait to see who buy's it next. And if they decide to knock down the barn and garages and put up a duplex - I will fight that like no tomorrow...

How about fuel going up to $4.00 a gallon soon ??? Gotta keep Exxon Mobils profit$ on the rise... I don't see anyone taking action there. I am but in a subtule way - I'm getting my bicycle back on the road, fuck big oil... Did you know that the Judge who had to preside over the Valdez Oil Spill lawsuit was almost in tears because Exxon Mobil has to pay out $3.5 billion dollars for all the eco destruction that occured in Alaska ??? Well, 3.5 Billion Dolars is only about 3 weeks work of profits for big oil Exxon - so don't feel sorry for them. First the bastards with the power tried to tell us that we do not have enough refineries due to increased demand - then the scumbags decided to tell us it's due to huricane Katrina that the prices need to go up. Bushshit... it's all about corporate greed - which beinfits all those who are tied in with the Amerikan government... nice - huh ???

So where do we go from here ??? Good Question. What does one do when those you trust turn out to be very different than expected. Who can one believe or trust today when our own leader's - even on the local level - continue to decieve and lie to their people ???

It's time to take direct action instead of sitting back and either believeing all is well or all will be taken care of by "W" et al...
- You watch... if a democrat gets the White House - they will take the blame for everything "W" et al. have done in the last 8 years. If a Republican wins - yes he will have to pick up the ball and run the same pattern's of his previous leader but he will not take the blame for all the ills of society today.

So what are you going to do ?? I know what I'm going to do... today and tomorrow I will do my river clean up and wildlife monitoring project. I will get my bicycle ready for commuting. I will not renew my membership with the HVA folks. I will also continue to be very outspoken whether here or out on the street. It's like oral sex. It's a dirty job - but somebody has to do it.

- Earth... "Air-Trees-Water-Animals" "All-The-Way-Alive"

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

the Tuesday that wasn't...

21.40 East Derby.
WOW - Does anybody know where Tuesday went ??? Actually - I do - it went bye bye as I lie profoundly sick from Monday evening's bout of drinking 6 x 22oz bottles of Porter from Poland - at about 9.0% alcohol content... This was a gift I recieved from my helper at work - which I guess one could view as a curse. This was the sickest I've been in many many years - in fact - I can't recall exactly when I was sick like this - definately not during this decade... So, needless to say - Tuesday was bed rest for most of the day. I was hoping to get out and walk around the additional ponds of water I recently discovered on O'Sullivan's Island - I guess this will have to wait until next time. X ( aka Noel ) would be very upset with me if she were to find out about my bad behavior... I can assure you that something like this is not likely to ever happen again anytime soon. Due to my stupidity - ATWA directly suffered since I could not be there doing my ecological / wildlife crusade...

Barefoot Debbie emailed me today - she want's to get involved with the effort I'm doing so this is way cool. And that is how she calls herself these days - which came as quite a surprise to me - since I have not known her to go barefoot in public - although I wish she would...

"Voodoo Child" by Jimi being played over WBAI peace and justice radio - and it's not a version I am familiar with. Oh... that explains it - it's Stevie Ray Vaughn covering it - man - he's really doing a great version of it.

Some email traffic between myself and AC - which is always good.

Rest IS Best !!

- earth...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

O'Sullivan's Island dispatch

19.50 East Derby.
Man - it took forever to get the password reset here - the amount of bullshit one has to go through is incredible... I must have spent a good hour before I actually remembered it - entered it - and it worked even though... fuck it - at least I'm back up and running now. Ok - here's what went on today:

Went out on foot for a walk around the trails just to view the water ways from land. The perspective is quite different than expected... the Naugatuck River was really cookin' - I mean it was movin something fierce - same for the Housatonic River... I'm going to try to get out on the water tomorrow if the current's will allow me to return back !! That will depend on how much rain comes tonight. Actually, the area looks pretty damn good overall... it used to be far worse. I retrieved some trash by hand - if I can't get out with the boat - I'll do some land based work - because there is much to do there as far as that goes...

I'm going to go off subject a little - but this is to show the hypocrasy of the City of Derby... they are breaking my neighbors balls over his peacefull landscaping business which he runs out of an existing 5 bay garage with barn. That's illegal... YET the City is going through with plans to destroy an open space / farm area for an evil Industrial Park. That's Legal. What a bunch of bullshit. How can they justify a complete ecological disaster being "worthy" and a nice landscaping business being "un-worthy"... It's like those rich bastards with the HVA... TRUE enviromentalism is a no-no but developing undeveloped area's is a good thing - because it bring's more people out ( which of course bring's more litter and harm to the existing wildlife, not too mention the wildlife gets evicted once again aginst their own will ) to enjoy nature... what a load of shit - PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM - GET THEM AWAY FROM NATURE !!!

The "end of the world blog" got up-dated today. That's right here: http://earthboundatwa.wordpress.com

Read it and weep OR read it, take direct action and FEEL GOOD NOW.

Time to knock back a few grinners... my helper at work gave me 6 22oz bottles of dark Polish beer - Yesh !! Good Thing's will be happening very shortly...

Enjoy !!
- Earth
"All The Way Alive"

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

O'Sullivan Island Dispatch

00.52 East Derby.
Did something today I've been meaning to do - a ground trek around the twin forks of O'Sullivan's Island - which proved quite rewarding in the sense that I've never really walked around that area so I got a good tour and I retrieved quite a bit of trash and lot's of tangled fishing line. What bastards the people who fish are - total scumbags worse than child molesters - and to think the HVA is behind even more fishing activities by developing a new fishing pier in the area. Great: now it will be open season on the defenseless wildlife.

Not too much else to report. I'll be going back out agin most likely on Sunday afternoon.


Keep an eye on http://earthboundatwa.wordpress.com
That's the political blog - I'll be posting a real wild entry soon.

It's late and the bed is calling.

Rest In Peace,
- Earth..

Sunday, February 10, 2008

O'Sullivan's Island dispatch

20.44 East Derby.
Today was one of those days where I slept in nice and late then had some time to decide what I was going to do. The weather kinda could be described as changable skys but the temp's seemed to be well above freezing so I decided to load up the JeniferLynn canoe and do some river clean-up. As soon as I got to the boat launch I started wondering if this was really a good idea or not. I first stopped off at my parents house - and from there drove to the boat launch and noticed serious storm clouds off in the distance - but heading towards me none the less. So - by 15.00 hrs I was on the water - with a very swift current and strong winds out of the north west really pro-pelling me along - sideways no less !! Good thing it was high tide.

I started doing clean up right away and soon realized I was going to really load up on garbage today. I saw 1 man fishing - who was one of the few honest and caring fishermen - a rare but welcome breed indeed - and I spoke with him briefly before heading up the Naugatuck River side of O'Sullivan's Island. I was able to journey down the secret stream towards the secret lagoon but the tide was already going out so there was no way I was getting in there. No sign's of life what so ever... So I then backtracked out and continued back up the Naugatuck River and did quite a bit of clean up work on the O'Sullivan's Island side - then I went to the Derby Ave side prior to the Atwater Bridge and headed back out towards the Housatonic River. Just as I approached where the Naugatuck flows into the mighty Housatonic - it suddenly got real windy and then it started snowing. Light at first - then nice big flakes. I was a little wetter than usual from my clean up work so I figured now was a good time to head back. I had maybe a quarter mile to go back to the boat launch when the snow and wind really gained intensity - and I was rowing as hard as I could into this storm and strong current. Everything was suddenly going against me. Gear was starting to freeze up... and visability droped significantly. I was now in a strong snow squal - and loving every minute of it !! I thought of how great it was to be "one with the elements" and really felt good about where I was, what I was doing, and who I am... this was absolutely beautiful !! I also knew my parent's were probably worried about me being blown down the river - which actually could have been a real possibility if I was else where on the river - but where I was I had options even if I could not make it to the boat launch. Of course, once I got on dry land - it was not over. Now I was confronted with having to put the canoe on the jeep in high winds and get it secured in place - without having it fly off. Lucky for me - I pulled it off. As the jeep warmed up - so did I.

So I pulled into the driveway - and called my folks to let them know I was safe and sound. Miss Alison happened to have her kitchen blinds open - and took a glance towards me - actually a couple of times - and I was surprised she did not try to conceal it either. Then Matt showed up - and went inside for a bit - when he came back out to leave - I was out and we chatted for a bit - then I put the JeniferLynn away for another day on top of my old beloved C-10 truck.

A little while ago, I went into B/R # 2 to fire up the video equipment since tonight will be movie night again. Could not help but notice that Miss Alison's blinds were STILL open !! Maybe there is hope for me yet... I used to tell people that you really know you are ugly when you come home and your neighbor closes her blinds !!
Ha Ha !! Actually - I kinda liked that when she would shut her blinds with such conviction... because that Ugly George is home...

Today's work can be chalked up as another day of major progress in my struggle for saving our Air Tress Water and Animals... which is always a good thing. I am now basically going public with my real displeasure with the HVA folks... they'll do fine without me being a part of their "strange" orginazation. I cannot understand what it is exactly that they the staff actually do. They certainly do not coordinate any follow up with anything I have reported - so I see no reason to tell them anything. Beside's - I've got the City of Derby's Adopt-a-Spot program as a major source of support and help for my struggle for ATWA.

I am not too sure if I am going back out this week. Tomorrow will be too cold. Tuesday - maybe... it's to be in the upper 30's but it might be raining - I'll have to monitor the weather closely to see if this will actually be the case. What I hit today was a major cold front which triggered the wild snow squalls I experienced towards the end of todays mission. Another one for the books !!

Tonight: Relax and stay warm with the cats.

Monday: Run errands - household chores...

Tuesday: see Karen for a haircut, ask if she wants to join me for a trip to the Conn Collage arboretum later in the summer where I will shoot some 35mm print film for the 2009 nature photo comp. Then if the weather permits - head out on the water for my ATWA related work once again.

Weds thru Sat: back to work at the defense plant...
Sun thru Tues: back to ATWA !!

Enjoy !
- Earth, All The Way Alive !!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

some interesting thoughts / thing's over the past couple of days...

23.28 East Derby.


Monday I decided to go to the cemetary in Burlington to visit the final resting place of my Leslie. Had she chosen life instead of death 12 years ago - she would have been 35 years old now. But she didn't... and the part which still bother's me is I had no idea until I found her the following morning - in our bed - by my side.

That is when you know you've been around the block - when you deal with something on that level - because it affects you forever...

I forget what day it was but one day this past week I was listening to Democracy Now's Amy Goodman on WBAI and she was doing some fundraising for the station and was also playing some of Dr. Martin Luther King's speaches over the air. She played one - which was an earlier version of what became the famous I have a dream speech. In it there was a phrase which basically stated if a man has nothing worth dying for then that man does not deserve to live. I was floored - what a powerful thing to say - but what a beautiful thing to say as well, it resonated deeply with me and enough where I actually did a lengthly post to the Defenders site - which of course did not have anything to say about that one way or the other...

I also attempted to get a message to Col Scott because I am ready to join his team. Well, one could say no response IS a response - but A.C. seems to feel I should wait it out some - so I am doing just that. A.C. has a fun blog happening as well...

Tuesday I went to a particular People's Bank branch looking for a particualr person named Silveras. She has a very good position there and I only make mention of her because last year she sought me out and we had a chat in her office regarding the ecology. I admired how beautiful she was and that she would allow herself to talk at length with my sorry ass... but she did. Watching her teeter ever so slightly in her high heels was a nice treat as well. But something bothered me greatly... the fox hanging of her neck for warmth.

My goal was to get her to tag along with me in the JeniferLynn rowing canoe - and I was going to take her to an area where I've seen fox'es in the past and if one was visibale say: This fox'es fur belong's on it's body - not wrapped around your neck. I really wanted to do something powerfull like that so she would get the message. Of course, she never took me up on my offer and of course, she was not to be seen on Tuesday...

I think I may have mentioned that I am distancing myself from the HVA today folks... I feel they are using me to further their adgenda while what I was hoping to expect from them has been really a big let down. They do nothing for me. I have to do all the leg work and make all the calls - so I mind as well just act on my own. The City of Derby though helps me - which is most appreciated... if anybody asks who I am with I simply say "The Defenders of ATWA" because that's all I have left - although sometimes I wonder if I even have them anymore. It's not easy being green..

Tuesday I never made it out to do any of my ATWA missions - I just had too many other thing's going on plus I felt that the two previous days of work I put in ( Sat / Sun ) should count for something. There is a woman who wants to make a Bat sanctuary under a bridge... she claims to be an active kayaker but I've never seen her - so, who knows...

Thurs/Fri/Sat: Defense Plant work - which pays my bills...
Sun/Mon/Tues: ATWA missions all 3 days weather permitting.

All The Way Alive,
- Earth

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Housatonic River Dispatch/The day after Ground Hog day...

22.33 East Derby.
Todays trip was real good and productive. Took the JeniferLynn rowing canoe out since I expected a ton of work to do. I saw a kid with his mother near the railroad trestle on the greenway wave to me - I waved back... the mother did nothing. Kids are so pure - they have not yet learned all the evils of society. I attempted to go further north passed the bridge to check out the rest of O'Sullivan's Island - but the current was too swift - so I headed south towards the Two Mile Island area. Weather was mild for this time of year - but then again, I recall mild weather in Feburary back in 1982 when I was hanging out with Kathy Abdulahad and her Asian friend who's name escapes me... I retrieved quite a bit of rubbish out of the river and off the riverbanks near Two Mile Island - on the Derby side - just prior to the Orange town line... then the sun started to set and I installed my running lights while on land and took a nice slow journey back to O'Sullivan's Island. It was beautiful. Peacefull, calm, very very pleasent... Nothing bad to report at all about this mission... except that my next one won't be until probably next Sunday due to bad weather tomorrow and Tuesday.
I did see a beaver who was caught in the current with me - he did not look to happy and opted to swim under water. Lots of the black diving ducks, and mallard ducks too... the occasional heron, crows, hawks... no eagles though - which was the main reason why I went out yesterday...

Just heard on WBAI peace and justice radio that the Giant's won the Super Bowl... which I guess is a good thing. I always liked the Jets when I was little. Today - at this very time - was when the "Day after Ground Hog Day party" was in full swing 12 years ago. Tonight was much more peacefull - I listened to the Dubliners for a bit while the cans of Schaffer were going down - then listened to some Box of Crayon's... I like the CD I worked on better than this release which might be deemed too commercial... There was an amazing program on PBS about elephants which had once again a profound effect on me - like the first time I saw it. Elephants are such magnificant animals - so smart and intelligent... to think that mankind get's off on exploiting them is beyond belief...

Per A.C. I emailed the Col. last night and am now hoping for the best. I noticed that a new member named Kay is now a team member too - she is from ( where else ??? ) PA !! What is it with all these girls from PA who are into Charlie / ATWA ?? Are there really so many or is it the same person with different identities ??

Since this is the enviromental blog now - there won't be too many updates unless I'm actually doing something related to the enviroment - or I hear something ATWA or Health related which I feel is worth mentioning...

Tomorrow: visit Leslies gravesite, then zoom to Conn Collage.
Tomorrow nite: probably Tony Wong's...
Tuesday: Rest.
Wednesday thru Saturday: back to the defense plant...
Sunday: SHOULD be back on the mighty Housatonic doing a mission agaisnt those who pollute my river / harm my wildlife...

All The Way Alive,
- Earth...

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Housatonic River Dispatch

19.29 East Derby.
A cold evening once the sun went down while returning from a recon mission in my K-140 predator kayak. I went out strictly to view the river south of where I normally do my clean up work. There must have been an unreal high tide because I saw stuff I never see in area's way higher than usual. A floating dock with an ancient wooden skiff on it wound up about a good mile and a half up stream - how that happend I have no idea - because the skiff and dock are way way up as well - on top of a huge tree which toppled over. Absolutely amazing.

As expected - I saw loads of fishermen in their small boats congragating all in one area near Two Mile Island - but on the Sunnyside of Two Mile Island. Small but numerous pieces of ice were floating down the river - and man - the Naugatuck was impossible to navagate up stream on - so I abbandoned that idea in favor of taking the Housatonic directly home - which I just made it - the current was wild - and I was barely making any progress against the fast moving water - but I did make it. I was out for maybe 3.0 hours or so total time... which is very good considering it is February!!

Got a reply from Ace - which is a good thing. I will write the Col. soon and see if I can become a team member of the Official Tate-LaBianca Murders Blog... that would be very good for me.

I am going back out tomorrow with the Osprey 155 rowing canoe for a garbage run - which should be quite productive. I should be out again for about 3.0 hours or so...

As for the Super Bowl - I have no intrest - but I'll go with the Giant's and see what happens. I'm more interested in Super Tuesday's primary election's to see how John McCain does. For those who know me - my choice of John McCain for president might come as a shock. But there IS a reason I want him to win...

Tonight: watch Yes live May 2004 on 2 DVD's in the main studio. This should be a nice treat. The fact that the sound system can trigger earthquakes speaks for it self... I bought a 30 pack of Schafer for the next 3 to 4 days - this is the period of time 12 years ago my Leslie took her own life while I slept by her side - after getting quite stew'd during her birthday party - which was held in the studio. Friends came over, she cooked - ton's of alcohol - of which she had very little but made sure everybody else - including your's truly - was loaded with a "L"... The next person who lectures me on drinking needs to see how I've been dealing with this sad loss each and every day. She may be gone in person - but she is very much alive in spirit.

I thought quite a bit about the long article I wrote for the HVA's 2008 Current... I wish now I never did that. Jenifer's version bears very little resemblance to what I submitted although she did get one thing right: I am very mad at the people who pollute my river and harm my wildlife and develop the land - for any reason. I cannot be a part of the HVA anymore - it's too upsetting now that I know they are behind the developing of O'Sullivans Island with their fishing pier and more paved walkways throughout the twin forks... WHERE ARE THE ANIMALS SUPPOSED TO MOVE ??? DID ANYBODY BOTHER TO ASK THEM ??? DOES ANYBODY EVEN KNOW WHAT ANIMALS LIVE THERE?? DID ANYBODY BOTHER TO ASK ME SINCE I AM THE OFFICIAL CARETAKER PER THE CITY OF DERBY??

And people wonder why I'm pissed off and now lash out at fools who don't get it... it's because they leave me no options. I guess I joined the HVA because I thought they would act on thing's I report. I was wrong... so then what's the point ?? So they can take the credit of all the work I do?? I don't think so - homie don't play that... As for the CWRA - they never even sent me a thank you for the money I sent them. Fuck them too... This really IS a one man war I am fighting - and you know what - that's alright - because I know where I'm at... as opposed to dealing with squares...

Ok - It's party time.

All The Way Alive,
- earth...

Friday, February 1, 2008

Earthbound - All The Way Alive !!

11.19 East Derby
Tonight marks a new direction for me. I have decided to set up a new site strictly for my enviromental struggles - and here it is...

For those interested in previous posts - please visit my LJ site which is listed right here: http://george_waters.livejournal.com/

For those interested in my other site - go check out my 360 site
which is here: http://360.yahoo.com/orchardstreetstudios.sounds

And for those who crave deviantART: http://ghwaters.deviantart.com/

Tonight: get much needed rest.
Tomorrow: kayak down the mighty Housatonic River as far south as possible - using the outgoing tide to take me south towards the Long Island Sound and using the incoming tide to bring me back to O'Sullivans Island, Derby.
Sunday: go on a mission with the "Defender's of ATWA" rowing canoe.
Monday: go to Burlington CT to Leslies resting place.
Tuesday: ???
Wednesday thru Saturday: Back to the Defense Plant...

Between now and then: post here any updates related to my ATWA work.

All The Way Alive,
- earth...