Sunday, March 2, 2008 where do we go from here ??

11.19 East Derby.
Ok - it's been a little while since my last post due to my day job taking over for a bit... So here's what's on my mind:

Firstly, this whole deal with the fish ladder on the Derby Shelton Dam... I can't believe what a mess this is causing. From what I gather - it appears that the current owners of the hydro plant were told back in 1965 that a fish ladder would be required as part of the deal. For starter's - I find it incredibly hard to believe that back then - when the rivers would be opaque orange or some other dreadful color from all the factory pollution - somebody was mandating a fish ladder. Now - keep in mind that I am a friend of the fish and consider those who fish for them criminals but there is something called evolution. Of course this could easily be turned into an argument justifing mankinds eco destruction of mother earth but we are supposed to know better. What will a $2,000,000 fish ladder accomplish ?? Good Question... especially since I do not know how they actually work. Will it make thing's even easier for the Eagles and other raptor type birds like Hawks and Ospreys to get a nice meal?? I'm told that quite a few fish perish while tring to make it up past the dam... which in turn become part of the food chain which in essance keeps the ecology somewhat balanced. My friends at the Housatonic Valley Association scare me at times. I'll let them know about suspect factory discharges into the river - and I'm told I'm on my own. Yet they make such a huge ordeal about so called "envasive species" which are taking over. Well, what about the biggest and most destructive envasive species of them all - PEOPLE ?? Well, since people give them donations, I guess people are ok in their eyes. I am enraged to see that O'Sullivan's Island will be further developed - especially when you consider it used to be the Valley Fire Chiefs Assoc Training Grounds. Ok... the fire school gets condemmned due to all the 55 gal drums filled with toxic waste which was burried below the ground after the flood from Hull Dye. Now they say that it's ok for public usage ?? W.T.F. I mean there is such a double standard here - and of course there is talk about bulldozing yet another area down to build a new fire school - well, what was wrong with the old one ?? Oh... it did not bring in enough tax dollars. So back to the dam issue... the owner now wants to fill in the Shelton canal so he can build high density condo's or some such bullshit so he can raise the funds for the fuckin fish ladder. The scary thing is this might actually pass because Shelton LOVES any kind of development because it bring's in more $$$. Jenifer Gunther composed a vry passonate plea which I stumbled upon on Google about how the HVA is against this filling in of the canal project and gives very legit reasons why. Very good Jen, I'm proud of you... but are you still going to push the issue of the fish ladder because with out one more invasive species like sea gulls and other fish eating beats will roam around the area ??? If we really want to save the fish - ban fishing.

My neighbors are now moving. Some bastard turned them in for running a landscaping business. Ok - I'll admitt - their place looked terrible - but they were still good people. Now they have to leave. So much for the Amerikan dream... I can't wait to see who buy's it next. And if they decide to knock down the barn and garages and put up a duplex - I will fight that like no tomorrow...

How about fuel going up to $4.00 a gallon soon ??? Gotta keep Exxon Mobils profit$ on the rise... I don't see anyone taking action there. I am but in a subtule way - I'm getting my bicycle back on the road, fuck big oil... Did you know that the Judge who had to preside over the Valdez Oil Spill lawsuit was almost in tears because Exxon Mobil has to pay out $3.5 billion dollars for all the eco destruction that occured in Alaska ??? Well, 3.5 Billion Dolars is only about 3 weeks work of profits for big oil Exxon - so don't feel sorry for them. First the bastards with the power tried to tell us that we do not have enough refineries due to increased demand - then the scumbags decided to tell us it's due to huricane Katrina that the prices need to go up. Bushshit... it's all about corporate greed - which beinfits all those who are tied in with the Amerikan government... nice - huh ???

So where do we go from here ??? Good Question. What does one do when those you trust turn out to be very different than expected. Who can one believe or trust today when our own leader's - even on the local level - continue to decieve and lie to their people ???

It's time to take direct action instead of sitting back and either believeing all is well or all will be taken care of by "W" et al...
- You watch... if a democrat gets the White House - they will take the blame for everything "W" et al. have done in the last 8 years. If a Republican wins - yes he will have to pick up the ball and run the same pattern's of his previous leader but he will not take the blame for all the ills of society today.

So what are you going to do ?? I know what I'm going to do... today and tomorrow I will do my river clean up and wildlife monitoring project. I will get my bicycle ready for commuting. I will not renew my membership with the HVA folks. I will also continue to be very outspoken whether here or out on the street. It's like oral sex. It's a dirty job - but somebody has to do it.

- Earth... "Air-Trees-Water-Animals" "All-The-Way-Alive"

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