Tuesday, March 11, 2008

O'Sullivan's Island Dispatch...

20.09 East Derby.
Ok - The times they are a changing - I've had 3 incidents back to back now while doing my ecological work on O'Sullivan's Island - with today's being the icing on the cake: I had 2 drunk "wigger's" fuck with me a little - they were really wasted on Bacardi Rum - to the point of being capable of doing something really stupid... My mistake was I crossed by them not once but twice. I was actually going back to do more work by the ponds when I suddenly got the idea that I had better turn around and leave. Of course - the 2 fools were heading right towards me - to where I was thinking about possibly taking some direct action on them. Luckly for me - I didn't have too... I bullshitted my way right through this situation safely and also without disrespecting either of them - so - a happy ending for all.

New News:
Rhonda - who is a woman from Middletown - may be going out with me on the water soon. She seems interested but is not yet committed - which is fine. I need to work on her a bit and also with a woman who goes by "Barefoot Debbie". Barefoot Debbie actually lives in Derby so she'll be easy - it's just a matter of our schedules sync'ing up.

Today: Did not go out on the river - current was not as swift as yesterday or Sunday - but opted instead to do some more land based work. Got quite a bit accomplished in the pond area's of O'Sulivan's Island. Cleaned up alot where the beaver's live. Yesh !! I found their home - and it is huge !! I hope nobody else comes across it... it's pretty neat - it has tunnels which connect one pond with a stream I go through when the tide is high. Must admit the beavers are very industrious and cleaver too. I will have to carefully monitor their area at least once a week from now on. Spoke with a fisherman who "get's it" - one of the very few... We spoke about how the Housatonic Valley Assoc. is actually doing more harm than good. He is also against any further development as far as fishing piers, etc... Saw some hippie photographer who I thought would be cool - he turne out to be stupid - so I gave him my "people are the problem" mantra. He is typical. Like's to report - but won't take direct action. I have no time for those who won't get involved...

Yesterday: Did land based work on the eastern fork of O'Sullivan's Island - as expected - retrieved quite a bit of trash. Spoke with a fisherman - one of the rare few who understands the big picture. He is a friend of the guy mentioned above. We spent time talking about all the problems which are occuring on O'Sullivan's Island with the trouble makers acting up - be it that they are on drug's or drunk or just out for trouble.

I sent an email to Ken Hughes detailing these past couple of days.

If you want a slightly different slant on this latest post - go to: http:earthboundatwa.wordpress.com

Be Safe - Be Aware - Be "All The Way Alive"...
- Earth...
"Air Trees Water Animals"

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