Monday, May 26, 2008

...And The Beat Goes On !!

12.25 East Derby.

Lot's to discuss - so I'll first start of with the big news:

After yesterdays event's - I decided that I needed to completely seperate myself from any A.T.W.A related orginazation - since I am fundalmentally on a different plane when it comes to Defending our Ecology. Some were starting to feel I was too radical in my views - so rather than cause friction - I felt it would be easier to dis-associate myself with those folks - because - believe me when I say this - I don't want them coming down on me !!

ATWA is Air Trees Water Animals - All The Way Alive. ATWA is spiritual - it is a movement/religion as opposed to an actual group or orginazation. This is per Charles - who a while back ordered that the original ATWA site be taken down. My understanding is this still holds true today - yet today there are more ATWA sites than ever. Sure - some have been taken over by a chap who goes by St. Cyane W. - other's are run by "those in the know" so to speak - some try to start legit non-profit orginazations in the name of ATWA - and are either shot down or told not to. Interesting how a group of such limited personal actually don't get along with one another. I did a posting on the Yahoo! Defender's of ATWA Group relating just that - how there needs to be unity and tollerance in the ATWA community for it to work - otherwise it will fail.

So I left, tail between my leg's - but I left none the less - and I feel better after doing so. I know the Truth and the Truth is ATWA. While I don't always agree with what's being put out there - especially when "the powers that be" are putting down Tex, Susan, etc... Yesh !! The "soldiers" always take the brunt of the abuse - I wonder if these folks know that Charles has forgiven Tex and Susan and said that "they were good soldiers who were only following orders" ??

But anyhow - I wished to leave because I did not want any kind of conflict starting - it's better if I work alone - or just with people I know as opposed to people I don't...

Yesh !! I'm back supporting the Housatonic Valley Association and also the Conn Wildlife Rehab Assoc - who I need to contact once again to find out about training... if anyone should be trained - it should be me since I am out and about so often now.

Backtracking to Thursday: Got in a river clean-up event strictly around O'Sullivan's Island. From what I remember the current was really flowing from the dam upstream and I had a tough time making it back. I kinda flipped out on one fool who was giving me a real dirty look while I was pulling fishing line out from a tree. Man, there is no excuse for stupidity in my book at all...

One woman asked me about beavers - since she saw evidence of where trees have been chewed up. I told her that "...ever since someone destroyed where they lived - they are gone" which she could not comprehend for some reason. She asked where did they live and I gave a very vague answer - I now keep my animal pals hiding places secret. Another woman caught me talking to myself while ripping out more fishing line - I felt bad for her - she seemed nice and had a nice little white dog.

Backtracking to Saturday: Got in a major river clean-up event covering O'Sullivan's Island, the Naugatuck River 3/4 of the way up towards Division St (Both sides !!), and the Housatonic River down to Two Mile Island... Man was I tired after that one - but once I got to the boat launch towards dusk - I saw the dam was not flowing so I took out most of the trash I retrieved and put my running lights on and headed to the dam. I felt good heading home - the entire area looked good - thanks to my efforts. I'll always wish that the Defender's of ATWA folks could have seen what I am up against when I go out on my missions in the name of ATWA...

One thing I want to add about this particular trip was that 2 women - one of who I previously knew from the defense plant - spoke with me and seem interested FOR REAL in helping the cause. This is a good thing. The girl I knew looked exactly like Linda E. did except Linda's hair was lighter in color. I wonder if she goes barefoot like Linda does / did ?? Anyhow - I did invite them both for a canoe trip - I should have invited their German Shephard - hell, there's always room for an animal on board too !!

Backtracking to Sunday: The day started out real good till I checked my emails - then it went downhill from there. Walkenhawk launched an un-necessary attack on me - since he is treated with reverence - I knew it was something not worth involving myself with... but I did. I composed a long explanation as to why I feel the way I do - then while out on the river I flashed on something: I'm putting in real physical work in the name of ATWA - what the fuck is he doing ?? I appologize to no-one when it comes to my work if I feel what I am doing is right. I felt like a fool knowing that I just tried kissing up to Walkenhawk - I mean he's entitled to his views too - I'll even back his views - but it doesn't mean I have to abide by them. I decided I had a choice: I could leave - so, once I got home - I did my final communication to the Defenders Group - and that was that...

Sundays river trip saw me use my 140 Dirigo Angler Kayak - the other two trips were with my Osprey 155 Rowing canoe. What a beautiful trip too - saw lots of river birds, duck and goose families, life was perfect.... If you go here: and visit part XI of my profile - you'll get a little more insight about this particular wildlife mission...

Today is Memorial Day. I will visit my parents then return home to do some yard work, household chores, then maybe chill out and have some wine. Because of work - I do not know when I will be out on the river next - probably not for at least a week - possibly two...

But return I will - in the name of ATWA - just knowing that I am all alone in my work - and that I have to really watch who I align myself with from here on in...

At some pointin time - I will be returning to the shop floor at my job - on 2nd shift - which will be perfect. Fixed days / hours... I'll be able to make significant plans into the future - something I have not been able to do in quite some time...

I know there's more - perhaps if I can remember anything else I can recollect - I'll add it here at some point in time...

Peace In Christ,
- Earth...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Susan Atkins - also HVA update...

13.31 East Derby.

It brought me great sadness to find out yesterday that Susan Atkins is deathly ill with cancer - which cannot be cured. I've always liked Susan and although she's had a rough past - the last 30 years of her life cannot be denied either - once she figured out right from wrong...

I cannot possibly put into words how I feel about Susan - I'm rather broken up about this matter - and pray that her final days will find her resting comfortably and hopefully in not too much pain. She's a good strong woman - and I don't give a damn what anybody else thinks.

No A.T.W.A related missions this week - my job has taken a turn for the worse - I'm spending my free time relaxing as much as possible before the shit hit's the fan - which could be any day now - although my guess is that it will be this weekend - or next week for sure...

I feel sad when I am away from the river. But today, I need to take care of several pressing matter's first. If I am off tomorrow - I'll be out on the water all day long. If I am off the day after - same thing... the river will be calling my name out loud - as it is right now.

Perhaps I'll have time to swing by for a quick scan - just to make sure all is well by O'Sullivan's Island.

Well, as luck would have it - I got a personal letter from Lynn Werner - the Lynn in "JeniferLynn" - asking me for my support for some local project she is trying to launch. Because she personally wrote comments to me - kind words actually - I decided that yes I would take part in this... Maybe some day we'll get to meet over a candlelight dinner and we can iron out our differences - because I am still very much against some thing's which they want to do - right in my own front yard so to speak.

Today: Run all necessary errands, pay bills, etc...
Later today: SCBA insp, maybe stop by the job ??

Tonight: Relax...

Tomorrow: ?? Good Question !!

Please Pray for Susan.
- Earth...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Housatonic River Dispatch / also Susan Atkins Reprise...

13.59 East Derby

Today is going much different than expected. My job at the defense plant is sorta on hold - no, not because of what you might be thinking - I did not get fired - actually, the giant machine I run had a mechanical failure during the dayshift tour of duty earlier this week. So we are on hold for the time being. I'll be returning tomorrow - but I'm not sure if I'll stay all day...

Original plan was to ride the bike to work - but do to an odd night of sleeping - where I woke up around 05.30 with Linda E. on my mind - I finally fell back to sleep and woke up at 11.00 or so...

Backtracking to yesterday: a perfect trip down the mighty Housatonic River from Derby to the Merrit Parkway bridge and back. Perfect in every way. Was disturbed at the amount of oil in the marshes by Sikorsky AC - I'll have to do some research on that if possible... Saw the usual amount of Osprey and Snowy Egrets and other silly river birds - the general feeling was of happiness: It's finally getting warmer out and all the wildlife is happy. I saw a black and white duck who was still I believe learning how to fly - also numerious baby ducks with their parents and baby geese again with their parents. People could sure learn something from the animal community...

I really should take out the canoe today - but I could use some downtime... I'll have to see how the day goes today.

One thing I want to make mention of in regards to a post I did recently called "Pray for Susan Atkins" is that she was also a mother and to find out that she is spending Mother's Day in a state of illness is sad. The fact that she has been incarcerated for so long is also beyond measure. She did what she was programed to do. Plain and simple. I've been reading some of Tex's book where he answer's 200 questions about himself - it's a very good read. Tex for starter's want's to be refered to as Charles, which is his real name. But for sake of not confusing any reader's here - I'll call him Tex...

Tex went on to say how he accepts full responsibility for what went down - although he does mention that if there was no Charles Manson, there would have been no murder's. I can see that for what it's worth but anyhow - I gained great insight as to how Tex is these days and again, if anyone can be said of, you know - trying to right themselves - definately Tex, Susan, Leslie... Bobby, Patricia - you know - one person I know little about is Bruce...

I just lost my train of thought here - so I'll let it go at that. In closing I will say that I wish Susan could get a taste of freedom before she pass'es.

It's interesting... all those today who support Charles Manson have no use for Tex, Susan, Patricia, Leslie, etc... YET when asked about St Cyane W. who has a couple of the more interesting and wilder ATWA websites up and running - this individual is put down too.

One thing I'll say about St. Cyane W. is that this person at least has the guts to tell it like it is - and - right, wrong, or indifferent - you can't ever take that away... there's a total of 3 very different site's I've found which bear the name of St. Cyane W. and I think it's time I send this person an email or two - because I like what I'm seeing - as far as the train of thought is concerned...

One might be inclined to ask where I stand on this. Well, I believe in redemption and forgivness if there really is remorse and feeling's in the person's heart. Simple as that.

Today: take care of loose ends, maybe do some work to the Jeep, take the van out on a fuel run perhaps later on... I'm going to take it easy today. ATWA related work to return once I figure out what's going on with my job scheduale wise - which I should know by tomorrow or Friday at the latest.

I'll be back here soon - God Willing...
- Earth

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

O'Sullivan's Island dispatch...

12.56 East Derby.

Went out late in the day yesterday to do my usual river clean up work in the name of A.T.W.A with the Osprey 155 Row "JeniferLynn" and once again had a productive mission once again. It's interesting how once I decided to sever my ties with the Housatonic Valley Assoc that they completly refuse to acknowledge my praise for the article which they did on me. I mean, come on !! But seriously - I guess since they figure that they won't see my $$$ anymore - than I am worthless to them - so be it.

Saw 2 beautiful Snowy Egrets last evening, also quite a few ducks and other sign's of river life. The tide was super high too - making it possible to go down streams I never even knew existed. I thought about staying out past 21.00 hrs but decided to head back home since the launch area was deserted. While leaving - a freight train was passing by. I stopped and got out of my jeep right by a very low trestle and watched it go by. I've always liked trains... I guess they attract a certain type of person as well.

The Raliegh M-50 23 speed Mountain Bike is officially on the road now. The Light's work real well - better than I could have ever hoped for... I will ride it a little bit each day just to get used to it - then I will start using it as much as possible...

Today: Take out the Dirigo 140 for a trip down the Mighty Housatonic and check out the river life along the way... should be a good trip today. I'll make a brief post about it here either tonight or tomorrow...

Weds thru Sat: Back to the defense plant...
Sunday: Visit my folks then take the canoe out later in the day.

Monday: OFF TO BROOKLYN !! Can't wait to see Beth, MaryAnn, and of course Dr. Freed...

Tuesday: Yet another kayaking trip

Weds thru Sat: Back once again at the defense plant...

Life is Beautiful.
- Earth...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Please Pray For Susan Atkins !!

13.02 East Derby.
Normally I reserve this site for my work in the name of A.T.W.A but I recieved some info regarding Susan Atkins - that she is terminally ill - and what's interesting is that this info came from a person who I believe knew her from the ranch - and does not like her at all.

Susan was my favorite girl for a long time until I got into A.T.W.A then Sandy was my personal hero, along with Lynnette - actually - I love and respect them both equally. But back to Susan... I know for a fact that I am definately in the minority of Charles supporters - in that I ALSO support the other's like Susan, Tex, Bobby, Leslie, Patricia, Bruce, Mary, and Steve, among other's...

Why do I support Susan and urge folks to pray for her ??

Because redemption is real. Susan IS a changed person - for better or worse - depending on how you want to look at it - but in all honsety - she accepts what she did and does not ask for he past to be erased... although she personally has seperated herself from the past - as a re-born Christian human being.

Remember the two cats who were crucified along with J.C. ?? Well, they weren't exactly good people either - yet their faith bought them eternal life in heaven.

No one is innocent. We all make mistakes - some worse than others - but none of us are free from sin. Susan does not deny what she did. She has completely changed her life and now that she is apparently very very ill - the least I feel I can do is pray for her. I hope you dear reader find it in your heart to do so as well...

To anyone who's a mother out there... a Blessed and Happy Mother's day to you - Enjoy !!

Peace In Christ,

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Musing's / Housatonic River / O'Sullivan's Island Update...

11.08 East Derby.

Musing's is a word I got from Sunshine Sparrow/Daydream...

Backtracking to last night.

I was going to call this post "earth is dead" but I decided not to after thinking about it for a while...

But there is something to this: I will only from now on post Blog messages to "CULL THE HERD" since Vlad is a friend of mine...

Here's the problem: I originally set this site up ONLY because I needed a Blogspot profile to join up with Col. Scott et al... and after requesting membership to his exclusive blog for scholars interested in the Tate-LaBianca Murders - I soon realized that I was not going to be let in. ON TRIAL proved to be much better - but to make a long story short - I soon became too wrapped up with using that site as a springboard for my own views - so, either yesterday or the day before - I deleated over 50 sites from this machine... there's simply no point being involved anymore since nobody really cares anyway...

Going back to Monday: Took out "Victory" which is my summer kayak - it's an Old Town Dirigo Angler 140 - which goes like no tomorrow - very manuverable and quick - kinda like riding a bike - you need good balance with this particular kayak - but boy, what a joy to paddle after spending the entire winter in my Old Town Predator K-140 - which is a terrific boat too - don't get me wrong - it's super stable and very comfortable - it's just a "slug-a-bug" and one boat you don't want to have to paddle against a strong current.

So anyhow - Monday yeilded an excellent trip down the mighty Housatonic River towards the Merrit Parkway Bridge - with a good stop at the marshes by Sikorkay AC where I watched to Osprey dive bomb into the water trying to catch fish. What a violent display - they just dive kamakazi style and splash !! I'm surprised they don't get hurt doing this... but that's what they do I guess.

Saw a couple of Snowy Egrets - no Great Heron's yet...

Tuesday: Went out for yet another river clean-up mission - and once again really filled up the canoe - on Sunday I got a car battery - this day I got a tire !! It's now time to focus on the bigger stuff when I can... I saw a deceased Snapping Turtle - which was a sad sight. I tried to see if he was caught or injured - but it seems he passed away due to natural causes - unfortunately, everything living thing's does eventually die...

Got an email informing me that Thule is to volunteer their efforts to clean up the banks of the Naugatuck River - God Bless them and God HELP Them !! That's almost a lost cause due to all the trash the Derby Ave house's STILL dump down the embankments.

Of course, yesterday I forgot to take my allergy medicine - and I'm really paying for it today. Good thing I go back to work - maybe there will be some info regarding the job I put in for...

The M-50 cruiser is all systems go - less light's - which I will do as soon as I can. Can't wait to start using peddal power instead of BIG OIL... you know, the incredible thing is it's common knowledge that these high prices are just to increase the profit margines of the Oil Companies - and yet there is no outrage. Man, if only this was 1968...

Today thru Saturday: work at the defense plant.
Sunday: Mother's Day.
Mon / Tues: A.T.W.A related business.

Anarchy, Peace, and Freedom
- Earth...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

O'Sullivan's Island / Bicycle update...

22.42 East Derby.

Today wound up being much more productive than expected - I got the M-50 up and running properly once I took the rapid fire shifter's apart and cleaned everything up - bike is now shifting very well, went through all 7 speeds in the 2nd de-railer - which should be more than adaquate for what I will be doing - commuting, errands, biking on trails... so life is good since there is now no need to have the bike tuned up since I was able to handle it today. Still need to clean it up though and install the headlight's, etc - perhaps tomorrow...

So, I did make it out with the JeniferLynn Osprey 155 Rowing Canoe by about 18.00hrs and worked the lagoon area of O'Sullivan's Island before heading down towards Two Mile Island. As always - a very productive mission. Saw a huge Osprey, a Snowy Egret, and loads of ducks - including the diving kind who are black...

Retrieved a car battery and the usual assortment of trash / litter.
Met a fellow paddler - who's name is also George - he's a good guy - care's about the ecology - and is very knowledgeable about it as well.

Tomorrow: Take out Victory - the Dirigo 140 Angler kayak - towards Sikorsky AC - try to get out as early as possible.

Tomorrow night: finish up the M-50 23 speed U.S. Raleigh mountain bike. For a 1995 model - it's in mint condition.

Tuesday: uncretain as of yet - maybe take out Canoe for another clean-up effort - probably a good idea to do so since high tide will be early in the afternoon - timing will be good...

Time to watch a movie - I think I'll see Gimmie Shelter with the commentary on this time around...

All The Way Alive,
- Earth...