Tuesday, June 10, 2008


15.41 East Derby.

No A.T.W.A related work going on at the moment - it's way too hot outside - and between my hypoglycimia ( low blood sugar ) and my Minere's Disease - it's best I relax and reflect for a couple of days or so...

Since Memorial Day - I've been at the defense plant every day - working 10 to 14 hours a day - outdoors - on a project I'm not at liberty to discuss. The heat kills me. I am so glad that this will be the last summer I am on this current assignment - since dynamic testing turned out not to be for me - too much pressure, responsibility - for too little pay - not too mention an ultra flexible schedule - which most of the time worked against me... Believe me, being "on call" is no joke...

I'm at the Fire Sta. right now. When my computer at home does not allow me to do certain thing's - I come here - usually really late at night - and "make it happen" when no one else is around to see what it is exactly I am up to... But it's late afternoon - and I really got to get this message out for all to see who read this particular site here on BlogSpot. Lucky for me - I'm alone and able to pull it off right now - so...

Ok - Here's the deal:

Unfortunately I can no longer update this site from home - so after today - I will be no longer updating this site "earthbound-atwa" but I will keep it active - along with the word press site "earthboundatwa" - in the sense that I will not be taking it down or off-line...

I refuse to have to upgrade an operating system which I am comfortable with - even if it is real primative. I really like how most advertisments won't run on it ( as opposed to this machine I'm using right now ). Because BlogSpot decided to recently upgrade - they have now lost me as a member - because I'm not playing their little 'upgrade' game...

There's a couple of other additional reason's I'm letting this site lapse - I guess the real one is because of why I set it up in the first place - which was "as a means to post A.T.W.A related messages on a site using the same forum as say Col. Scott, JimNY, and A.C. while being able to express my own personal views and observations on similar matters regarding Charles et al...

But now I realize that both this and the similar site I ran on WordPress "earthboundatwa" - which was slightly more political in nature - really distracted from my original ecological site - which I want to make mention of right here: http://george_waters.livejournal.com/

Effective today, this LJ site mentioned above will RETURN to being my ecological site - as well as where I really discuss whatever is on my mind...

If one really wants to know me - it's all there on LJ for you to read - uncensored - and as real as it gets. My LJ profile is over 12 pages long - if you were to print it out - better to just 'save' it and make a tree happy - plus not too mention it get's updated on a fairly regular basis as well...

As for this BlogSpot site - well, the last real entry posted here "...and the beat goes on!!" really sums it all up. I advise anyone who is stumbling upon this blog to read it - then you can decide if you should dive even further into what this particular site had to offer - since it's all still very very relevant today...

I almost did not want to post a new entry as my "goodbye" after reading "...and the beat goes on!!" - but then I felt it would not be fair to folks like A.C. who visited this site on a regular basis - they need to know where I'm at now - and more importantly: why...

A.C. is one of the few genuine people left in this world: A good woman who has a good family, someone I am proud to be able to call a real friend in this chaotic often uncertain world...

I admire her very much - along with a gent who goes by the name Frank M. here on Blogspot - who REALLY has it together - and is not afraid to speak his mind - which he always does in a very civil and respectful manner...

Well, it's time to do the Scott AirPack inspections and see if the big red engine needs fuel...

For those who liked visiting here - I apologize for moving operations back to LJ - but I really had no other choice - since I could no longer update this site from home.

I sincerely hope that you will choose to continue to follow my jihad in the name of A.T.W.A on my LJ site - as my message is strong and deserves to be heard...

...and that message is: Love, Truth, and Respect... All The Way Alive !!

- Earth...
"Air Trees Water Animals"
"All The Way Alive"
