Thursday, April 24, 2008

Earth Day: Osullivan's Island Dispatch

23.34 East Derby.

Backtracking to Earth Day: went out with the JeniferLynn rowing canoe and got quite a bit accomplished from the Derby Dam south to O'Sullivan's Island. I found my little loon friend up by the dam area - it was definately him - and he seemed very happy - which made me very happy as well. Lots of litter and hazards to wildlife removed. Saw a woman and her daughter - typical white trash - heading to walk over the freight train bridge. I think the daughter was barefoot. She had no problem littering. Mother said / did nothing. I thought about how cool it would be to see their family get slaughtered. This is typical: I get no thanks or recognition for what it is I do - therefore it's easy for bad thoughts to enter my mind. I did however get one person - a hobo strutting over the same bridg earlier - who was pleased with my efforts. His gig ?? Scrap metal...

Backtrackting to yesterday: Took out "Temperance" one last time for some final river clean-up work towards Two Mile Island. The good boat Temperance served me well this past winter - now with May closing in fast - it's time to get "Victory" out on the water which will be used for touring / long distance / recon type missions... The JeniferLynn will still be used for garbage work.

I then came home and had some Colt 45 and Old English 800 and Guinness Extra Stout. Do not try this at home - bad idea...

Today I spent much of the day pondering how thing's have come to be what they are now - as far as my professional work goes... I recieved in the mail the 2008 Current - which is the HVA publication. I was very surprised to recieve it - since I dropped out earlier this year from them - which in some ways I regret but in other's I do not... it's a long story.

My little loon friend was last seen back in his lagoon - with 2 ducks as well. Perhaps they are pals... I hope he makes it.

- Earth, All The Way Alive!

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