Tuesday, April 29, 2008

On Trial: You're guilty until proven innocent...

12.10 East Derby.
Today - actually the last day or two have been a bit different than originally planned. Bad weather is keeping me out of the river for now but I really needed a day or two of downtime so I could get some new gear for my missions procured and put into service.

Backtracking to yesterday: Took a drive to LLBean and got a spray cover for the Dirigo 140 kayak which I will start using for touring and during wet weather. Got some other stuff too including a wide brimmed strw hat which I will wear when I am cooked... Picked up a backpack - man, that took like an hour to decide - because my requirments were for a pack that can be used in the rain and is mounted off my back ( as opposed to right up against my back ) for ventilation purposes since I will be soon biking to work. Got a new gear bag which I can mount on the Dirigo 140 right behind the seat. '

Then I cruised over to Barnes and Nobles Booksellers: Jackpot ! They had a new version of "Gimmie Shelter"... grabbed that along with a couple of other items including a St. Joesph Illustrated Bible. Have to admit - the Cathloics got it right on the money here...

I was looking for the 3 DVD set of Caligulia (I might have spelled that wrong) but found the single one at Best Buy... Lot's of milage put on my trusty jeep - thank goodness I don't make these trips all that often.

So today I am off to Rad Rob's to get a helmet (for biking among other thing's) along with headlights and tail lights (strobe?) for my 21 speed mountain bike which I am putting back into service since the cost of fuel is now getting absurd. How dare this governement allow this capitalist measure of price gouging and allowing the investors to drive up the cost of a barrel of oil. Oh, that's right!! Their pensions are all invested in Big Oil...

My original plan was to take the Defenders of ATWA rowing canoe out on yet another river clean-up mission - which I still may do - but for now I am planning on getting my bike back on the road - might even take it out for a recon mission along some paths I haven't been down in a little while now - we'll see...

While having breakfast today I decided to vist the Cols blog just to see if anything new that's stupid (lately everyhting there is) has been posted - and I was not let down. I went right away to the comments - and read all the hypocrasy there - had a good laugh or two - and wished I was allowed to comment BUT I AM NOT... So, I did the next best thing - I visited JimNY's site - read his latest entry than proceeded to read all the comments fired back at his post. Got to admit there's alot of passionate people out there. Ignorant too.

JimNY is right about one thing: IN THE END, THE APES WILL WIN.

So since I was feeling somewhat focused - I decided to throw my views out into cyberspace just to shake thing's up a bit. I like JimNY quite a bit. He is sincere and very civil with his manners which is quite an achievement in itself... because I certainly cannot say the same about many others out there - including myself.

But the name says it all: One really is "Guilty until proven Innocent" when society has made up their minds before even looking into the facts...

This afternoon: Run errands - get D ring's etc, ratcheting straps for the kayak(s), lighting system for the bicycle, check to see if Independent Co. still makes 169's for my Dog Town Big Foot and maybe check out wheels, etc... Also need a helmet.

Later this afternoon: work in garage assembling/mounting the bike and kayak/canoe equipment (new dolly) and put big strap around tree limb which is sagging from all the rain to lift it above the canoe which is mounted on my old C-10 truck.

Once this is accomplished; take bike out for a ride - bring binoculars and give the area a good scan which I patrol - then procure some jug wine and relax....

I'll update this site tomorrow around this time.

- Earth...

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