Saturday, January 16, 2010

Housatonic / Naugatuck River update


west haven.

man, today was one for the books!! what a wild trip this was...

I loaded up my trusty predator k-140 in anticipation of a good river tour when I soon realized that there was too much trash in the river, so this turned into a clean up trip instead...

I first headed up towards the Derby Shelton dam and noticed that the amount of ice in the river was not that bad. Actually, for the most part - there wasn't any...

Then I headed back down stream back towards O'Sullivan's Island and soon realized that this was going to be more of a river clean up event as opposed to a tour. Ok, too bad I've got the wrong boat now - but that's ok I guess...

Once I rounded O'Sullivan's Island, I could not believe how much trash I saw in the Naugatuck River. Ok, so it's been a couple of weeks but still...


I eventually started to make my way towards Two Mile Island aka Beards Point. I was told earlier that it was solid ice from the point to Sunnyside. I watched from a distance how one boater made it around the bend. But by the time I came through, the ice was starting to close in (the other boat was already back). Now, for some reason, I sensed an urgency to head back north but to my horror ans surprise - the entire river passage way was completely blocked off...

O H S H I T !

In the midst of all this maddness, I decided that nw would be a good time to take a leak, and so I did - onshore by Two Mile Brook...

I soon realized that there was no way I was getting out of this one - and elected to portage the boat - actually drag the boat across the slabs of ice while I walked along the shore balancing between the rocks and the ice.


I made it, and after a nice hot cup of coffee, I called my wolf to tell her about this latest adventure. When I say I felt like I was on some kind of expedition, I really mean it...

Yet another 45 gal liner filled with trash was accomplished today - so this year is starting off well.

I hope to be back out on the water soon, maybe next week..

For the Air, Trees, Water, and Animals,
- Earth...

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