Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Housatonic River Dispatch / also Susan Atkins Reprise...

13.59 East Derby

Today is going much different than expected. My job at the defense plant is sorta on hold - no, not because of what you might be thinking - I did not get fired - actually, the giant machine I run had a mechanical failure during the dayshift tour of duty earlier this week. So we are on hold for the time being. I'll be returning tomorrow - but I'm not sure if I'll stay all day...

Original plan was to ride the bike to work - but do to an odd night of sleeping - where I woke up around 05.30 with Linda E. on my mind - I finally fell back to sleep and woke up at 11.00 or so...

Backtracking to yesterday: a perfect trip down the mighty Housatonic River from Derby to the Merrit Parkway bridge and back. Perfect in every way. Was disturbed at the amount of oil in the marshes by Sikorsky AC - I'll have to do some research on that if possible... Saw the usual amount of Osprey and Snowy Egrets and other silly river birds - the general feeling was of happiness: It's finally getting warmer out and all the wildlife is happy. I saw a black and white duck who was still I believe learning how to fly - also numerious baby ducks with their parents and baby geese again with their parents. People could sure learn something from the animal community...

I really should take out the canoe today - but I could use some downtime... I'll have to see how the day goes today.

One thing I want to make mention of in regards to a post I did recently called "Pray for Susan Atkins" is that she was also a mother and to find out that she is spending Mother's Day in a state of illness is sad. The fact that she has been incarcerated for so long is also beyond measure. She did what she was programed to do. Plain and simple. I've been reading some of Tex's book where he answer's 200 questions about himself - it's a very good read. Tex for starter's want's to be refered to as Charles, which is his real name. But for sake of not confusing any reader's here - I'll call him Tex...

Tex went on to say how he accepts full responsibility for what went down - although he does mention that if there was no Charles Manson, there would have been no murder's. I can see that for what it's worth but anyhow - I gained great insight as to how Tex is these days and again, if anyone can be said of, you know - trying to right themselves - definately Tex, Susan, Leslie... Bobby, Patricia - you know - one person I know little about is Bruce...

I just lost my train of thought here - so I'll let it go at that. In closing I will say that I wish Susan could get a taste of freedom before she pass'es.

It's interesting... all those today who support Charles Manson have no use for Tex, Susan, Patricia, Leslie, etc... YET when asked about St Cyane W. who has a couple of the more interesting and wilder ATWA websites up and running - this individual is put down too.

One thing I'll say about St. Cyane W. is that this person at least has the guts to tell it like it is - and - right, wrong, or indifferent - you can't ever take that away... there's a total of 3 very different site's I've found which bear the name of St. Cyane W. and I think it's time I send this person an email or two - because I like what I'm seeing - as far as the train of thought is concerned...

One might be inclined to ask where I stand on this. Well, I believe in redemption and forgivness if there really is remorse and feeling's in the person's heart. Simple as that.

Today: take care of loose ends, maybe do some work to the Jeep, take the van out on a fuel run perhaps later on... I'm going to take it easy today. ATWA related work to return once I figure out what's going on with my job scheduale wise - which I should know by tomorrow or Friday at the latest.

I'll be back here soon - God Willing...
- Earth

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