Tuesday, April 22, 2008

EARTH DAY - Housatonic River Dispatch.

11.10 East Derby.

Today is Earth Day. I will be leaving here in less than 1 hour to do a major campaign on saving the enviroment by "...leading by example" which I will do with the "JeniferLynn" 3 person rowing canoe. I will be doing clean-up's and for anyone interested - tours. My first stop will be at the Water pollution plant to report a sewer pipe - which is discharging sewage in to the river...

Today I will be in the vicintiy of O'Sullivan's Island.

Backtracking to yesterday: An excellent trip down the mighty Housatonic River to Sikorsky AC and back to Derby. Spent quite some time in the marsh to the north of Sikorsky AC - even visited the crew at the whirl-stand (I am so glad that that job is now in my past) for a bit - the new guy Matt seems to enjoy his new position very much. As an outsider now - I enjoy mine even more. I have not left the Company - just this position...

There was hazy sunshine and much wind - which gave me the very worst windburn on my forehead I think I have ever experienced in my entire life. Must were a hat today. I saw many ducks and lots of the silly diving kind: the black diving duck. I love those silly creatures. I once again searched for my little loon friend - and did not find him. I am hopeful that he either relocated, or learned how to fly and joind up with his pals... Of course, the possibility does exist for this story not to have a happy ending - but until otherwise - I will believe he is ok.

Fish are starting to jump now. And as expected, the numbers of dead fish I am seeing are increasing. Damn those fishermen who are careless... don't they realize these are all living being's created by God ??


I'll be out from about 12.00 till maybe 18.00 at the latest, 16.00 is probably more realistic. I hate the mass'es of people who are now coming into the area in droves because they are not good people - no, in fact they are evil.

Tonight: Tony Wong's
Tomorrow: Relax - then maybe go hiking.
Thurs - Sun: Back at the defense plant...

Enjoy !
- Earth

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