Wednesday, February 6, 2008

some interesting thoughts / thing's over the past couple of days...

23.28 East Derby.


Monday I decided to go to the cemetary in Burlington to visit the final resting place of my Leslie. Had she chosen life instead of death 12 years ago - she would have been 35 years old now. But she didn't... and the part which still bother's me is I had no idea until I found her the following morning - in our bed - by my side.

That is when you know you've been around the block - when you deal with something on that level - because it affects you forever...

I forget what day it was but one day this past week I was listening to Democracy Now's Amy Goodman on WBAI and she was doing some fundraising for the station and was also playing some of Dr. Martin Luther King's speaches over the air. She played one - which was an earlier version of what became the famous I have a dream speech. In it there was a phrase which basically stated if a man has nothing worth dying for then that man does not deserve to live. I was floored - what a powerful thing to say - but what a beautiful thing to say as well, it resonated deeply with me and enough where I actually did a lengthly post to the Defenders site - which of course did not have anything to say about that one way or the other...

I also attempted to get a message to Col Scott because I am ready to join his team. Well, one could say no response IS a response - but A.C. seems to feel I should wait it out some - so I am doing just that. A.C. has a fun blog happening as well...

Tuesday I went to a particular People's Bank branch looking for a particualr person named Silveras. She has a very good position there and I only make mention of her because last year she sought me out and we had a chat in her office regarding the ecology. I admired how beautiful she was and that she would allow herself to talk at length with my sorry ass... but she did. Watching her teeter ever so slightly in her high heels was a nice treat as well. But something bothered me greatly... the fox hanging of her neck for warmth.

My goal was to get her to tag along with me in the JeniferLynn rowing canoe - and I was going to take her to an area where I've seen fox'es in the past and if one was visibale say: This fox'es fur belong's on it's body - not wrapped around your neck. I really wanted to do something powerfull like that so she would get the message. Of course, she never took me up on my offer and of course, she was not to be seen on Tuesday...

I think I may have mentioned that I am distancing myself from the HVA today folks... I feel they are using me to further their adgenda while what I was hoping to expect from them has been really a big let down. They do nothing for me. I have to do all the leg work and make all the calls - so I mind as well just act on my own. The City of Derby though helps me - which is most appreciated... if anybody asks who I am with I simply say "The Defenders of ATWA" because that's all I have left - although sometimes I wonder if I even have them anymore. It's not easy being green..

Tuesday I never made it out to do any of my ATWA missions - I just had too many other thing's going on plus I felt that the two previous days of work I put in ( Sat / Sun ) should count for something. There is a woman who wants to make a Bat sanctuary under a bridge... she claims to be an active kayaker but I've never seen her - so, who knows...

Thurs/Fri/Sat: Defense Plant work - which pays my bills...
Sun/Mon/Tues: ATWA missions all 3 days weather permitting.

All The Way Alive,
- Earth

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